Agenda item


            (Ms. L. Leonard, European Unit Manager, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1    Relevant Background Information


1.1Members will recall that during a discussion at the Development Committee on 20th March 2012, it had been agreed that the Council would continue to participate in the Eurocities Network; subject to the consideration of a report which would outline the measures which could enhance Members’ participation thereon.


2.   Key Issues


2.1There is a need for the development of a political engagement between Members and a range of political representatives in relation to the shape of the EU funding programme for the period 2014-2020.   Given the clear role that cities play in the regional economy, Belfast and Derry City Councils, in particular, need to emphasise the need for a programme, which focuses on the development of urban areas, similar to the Rural Development Programme, which currently exists.  It is important that the Council seeks to influence key political players who will contribute to the shaping of this policy, particularly the Minister of Finance, MEPs and the Junior Ministers with OFMDFM.  This should be included in the agenda for any future meeting between the Party Leaders, Chairmen of the SP&R and Development Committees and the Minister for Finance.


2.2An opportunity also exists to secure agreement from the DFP Minister for a devolved programme for the Belfast area under the future funding arrangements.  This would allow Belfast City Council to administer EU funds for the City as opposed to bidding through government departments to access resources.  Again, it would be important that the Council seeks to influence key decision-makers to shape the future funding arrangements to ensure that this can happen.


2.3The Committee could also consider the nomination of specific Members to acts as EU political champions as the other Councils do, to work closely with the EU Unit, to attend occasional events in Brussels and aspire to represent and promote the City at EU conferences.  It is important that Belfast/NI position itself and not be overlooked in favour of newer regions in Europe.


2.4The Eurocities Network is currently looking at ways to better engage elected Members in EU Affairs in Cities and within the Network.  Belfast City Council’s EU Manager recently sat on a panel with other Eurocities officers giving examples of NI Political Engagement in Europe. 

2.5Finally, Members should consider attendance at the annual Brussels Open Days in October of each year.  To date, for 3 years running, the EU Unit has organised a funding and policy information session with EU Commission representatives for all NI delegates visiting Brussels at this time.  It is usually chaired by the COMET Chairman who to date has not been a Belfast City Council elected Member.


2.6Belfast City Council has 2 seats on the COMET INTERREG Partnership Board.  Unfortunately, due to very busy diary commitments, the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of Belfast City Council’s Development Committee (as Board nominees) have regularly been unable to attend.  Member consideration could be given to nominate alternative Members within the Development Committee to sit on the COMET INTERREG Partnership Board, thereby ensuring that Belfast City Council is represented as a full partner alongside the other 5 councils.  This is an important time to influence the shape of Interreg V, which will provide further opportunities to apply for funding to assist with City Investment Programme and try to extend the eligible area to allow Belfast City Council to work with Dublin, in the future, as a more natural partner than rural border communities.


3.        Resource Implications


3.1There are no resource implications at this stage, but should Members decide to engage in EU events, travel and subsistence within reason can be found within the Eurocities budget within the EU Unit.


5.   Recommendations


5.1The Committee is recommended to agree: 


·        That each of the political parties be requested to nominate a political champion to promote and lobby for the City in Europe;

·        That a reserve nominee be sought to represent each party in the event of the political champion being unable to attend associated meetings; and

·        That the political champions, or reserve, be authorised to attend the Eurocities AGM, and the annual Brussels Open Days and to represent the Council at the COMET-led seminar organised by the EU Unit.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: