Agenda item

(Presentation by Mr B Ambrose, Chief Executive of George Best Belfast City Airport.)


            (Mrs. S. Wylie, Director of Health and Environmental Services, Mr. B. Ambrose, Chief Executive, and Ms. K. Best, Commercial and Marketing Director, George Best Belfast City Airport, attended in connection with this item.)


            The Director of Development tabled a report for the information of the Members.  He reminded the Committee that, on 30th September 2011, the Minister for the Department of the Environment had announced that he had initiated a public process to modify the existing planning agreement between that Department and the George Best Belfast City Airport (GBBCA).  On 21st March, the GBBCA had submitted a request to the Department of the Environment to vary the terms of its 1997 Planning Agreement, which had been modified in 2008, under Article 40A(1)(a) of the Planning (Northern Ireland) Order 1991.  The Airport had requested that the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction be

removed from the Agreement and replaced with a noise contour control cap and other noise control measures and, as that would be a significant modification to the existing agreement, the Minister had invited representations from the local community and other interested parties.


            The Director advised the Committee that Officers from the Development Department had previously assisted colleagues in the Health and Environmental Services Department with regard to the appraisal of the economic and environmental information, which had consisted of three future growth scenarios for the airport, together with a draft Article 40 Agreement, which had been provided with the application for the removal of the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction.  A response to the consultation had subsequently been submitted by the Health and Environmental Services Committee to the Department of the Environment.  Within that response it had been recognised that the removal of the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction and the introduction of a noise contour had potential economic advantages and, if introduced properly, would provide some protection to local residents.  However, the proposed contour was considered to extend over a large area and there was uncertainty regarding the methodology employed to determine the three growth scenarios.  The Council response had reflected those concerns and had requested that the air traffic forecasts and the growth scenarios should be reviewed with consideration given to a smaller contour which would be better placed to achieve the balance between the environmental and economic considerations that the Minister was seeking.


            The Committee was advised that the Planning Appeals Commission had set a date of 26th November for the Public Local Inquiry to consider the request for the removal of the ‘Seats for Sale’ restriction from the existing agreement and that, in advance of the inquiry, the Council would be requested to submit a Statement of Case in respect of the proposed revision.  In that regard, a special meeting of the Health and Environmental Services Committee, to which all Members of the Council would be invited to attend, would be held on 20th September, 2012 to consider the Statement of Case in advance of it being submitted.


            The Director of Development reported that the Chief Executive of the George Best Belfast City Airport, Mr. B. Ambrose, and the Commercial and Marketing Director, Ms. K. Best were in attendance and were admitted to the meeting by the Chairman.


            Mr. Ambrose informed the Committee that the George Best Belfast City Airport was a key strategic gateway to Northern Ireland, with over two million passengers during 2011, consisting of an equal mix between business and leisure.  He reported that the Airport was a key contributor to economic and social development within Northern Ireland and was a major employer within East Belfast, employing in the region of one thousand four hundred staff.  He reported further that the George Best Belfast City Airport was one of the most restricted airports within Europe in respect of its operating hours, number of aircraft movements and seats for sale and that it was seeking, therefore, to vary its current Planning Agreement to remove the seats for sale limit and to introduce a noise contour control cap and other noise control measures.


            Mr. Ambrose advised the Committee that the airport was mindful of its impact on the community and the environment and that it undertook a number of corporate responsibility activities in the form of school visits, the provision of work experience and educational partnerships.  He advised further that by 2030 it was anticipated that the Airport would attract four million passengers and that it would further develop its network focussing on attracting business and leisure routes to Western Europe.


            Mr. Ambrose and Ms. Best then answered a number of questions put by the Members in relation to the percentage of Northern Ireland residents using the airport and not, therefore, contributing to the economic benefit of the City; the possible growth scenarios and resultant plans to ameliorate any negative impact on residents; the noise contour control cap; the possible affects of the current restrictions upon the promotion of an international strategy; connectivity issues; the potential for new employment opportunities and apprenticeships; and the situation which would arise in the event of no change to the current arrangements.


            The Chairman thanked Mr. Ambrose and Ms. Best for their presentation and they left the meeting.


            The Director of Development informed the Committee that it would have been beneficial if the Airport had recruited an independent company to undertake the economic impact analysis as evidence to support its case.  The Director undertook to raise that matter again with the Chief Executive of the George Best Belfast City Airport.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the contents of the report and the presentation provided by Mr. Ambrose, and noted further that a draft Statement of Case would be issued for Members’ consideration in advance of the Special Health and Environmental Services Committee on 20th September, 2012.