Agenda item


            The Committee was advised that, as part of a public consultation exercise, the Council had been invited to respond to a draft Strategic Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Engineering Report in connection with the Lagan Canal and locks of the Lagan Corridor from Belfast to Lough Neagh, which had been considered to be fundamental to the possible future capital development of the project and which were to be completed by 2012.


            The draft Strategic Environmental Assessment had been prepared following previous work which had determined that the plan to reopen the Lagan Canal from Belfast to Lough Neagh would be likely to have a significant environmental impact, and the Preliminary Engineering Report (copies of which were provided on the system) consisted of a review of the existing documentation, updated drawings, surveys and cost planning which would inform the potential to re-open the Lagan Navigation from Belfast Harbour to Lough Neagh.


            The Committee considered the undernoted response to the consultation exercise:


2.1        The Strategic Environmental Assessment


            Council are content that the SEA references a number of key City Plans and Strategies including; Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan 2015 (Draft); Belfast City Council: Corporate Plans; Belfast City Council: Local Economic Development Plan; Belfast City Council: Open Space Strategy – ‘Your City, Your Space’, Belfast City Council: Cultural Tourism Strategy, Developing Belfast’s Opportunity; Belfast City Council: Integrated Strategic Framework for Belfast Tourism 2010-2014; These documents set the economic development and recreational framework for the area and there is consistent reference to the aims to improve the amenity of the canal and its corridor.


2.2        The environmental report is compatible with the Council’s priorities, however it would benefit from reference to Belfast City Council Investment Programme 2012-2015 Draft and the development of a more comprehensive list of open spaces within the 1.5 mile economic corridor of Belfast; Page 56 Table 4.9 Parks Gardens and Demesnes.


2.3        Our Environmental Protection Unit of the Health and Environmental Services Department have stated that they are fully supportive of the intentions of the Lagan Canal Trust to achieve the restoration and revitalisation of the Lagan Canal and its corridor and would be particularly involved once the plan is live in terms of noise, air quality and contaminated land.  Furthermore those areas detailed in the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive that would potentially involve the Environmental Protection Unit are those relating to:


1.     The risks to human health or the environment, and


2.     The exceeding of environmental quality standards or limit values.


2.4        The Environmental Protection Unit would therefore request that they are consulted at each stage of the project where noise, air quality and contaminated land are potential issues.


2.5        Re-opening the Lagan Navigation from Belfast Harbour to Lough Neagh (Preliminary Engineering Report)


            The Preliminary Engineering Report accurately reflects the Lagan Canal Scoping Report that was conducted by Scott Wilson Consultants on behalf of Belfast City Council in 2008. This Engineering Report is therefore consistent with the Council’s previous study.”


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the draft response and requested that further consideration be given as to how future consultation documents be presented to the Members.


Supporting documents: