Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       Belfast City Council, Northern Ireland tourist Board (NITB) and Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau (BVCB) agreed a tourism framework for the city, the Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010–2014, which was launched in March 2011. The Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework (BISTF) 2010-2014 identifies a range of tourism priorities and projects for the city, many of which are now being realised including the extension to the Belfast Waterfront Hall, the relocation of the Belfast Welcome Centre and the development of local tourism destinations.

1.2       One of the recommendations within the BISTF 2010–2014 was to ensure better integration between the delivery bodies for tourism across the city. The Framework identified the need for a Belfast Tourism Forum which would have representation from the main public sector agencies and statutory bodies that impact on tourism development as well as main industry bodies such as Pubs of Ulster, Northern Ireland Hotel Federation, Northern Ireland Tour Guides Association.


1.3       At an operational level, the Forum is supported by an officers group, representing Belfast City Council’s Tourism and Events teams, Belfast City Centre Management, Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau and NITB.  This ensures better integration and efficiency at an operational level.


1.4       The current representation on the Belfast Tourism Forum and the Terms of Reference is attached as Appendix 1.


1.5       The first meeting of the Belfast Forum was in March 2011 and launched the start of implementing the BISTF 2010–2014.  A 12 month action plan was prepared to identify the key actions to be undertaken in 2011/2012 and reports were made at quarterly meetings on progress. Subsequent meetings also identified key topics for discussion, for example;


Meeting 1, March 2011; Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework;

      Meeting 2, June 2011; GB Market and barriers to growth;

Meeting 3, Sept 2011; City Events and 2012 Our Time, Our Place Campaign;

Meeting 4, Dec 2011, Industry engagement and communications;

Meeting 5, March 2012, Research Trends and Visitor Satisfaction;

Meeting 6, June 2012, Review Workshop on the impact of the Tourism Forum


1.6       Some of the key outputs from the Belfast Tourism Forum have included a meeting with the Minister for Tourism to discuss tourism priorities for the city, whereby both Members of Development Committee and the industry representatives presented a joint approach; the development of a new programme of industry support ‘Destination Belfast’ funded by BCC and Invest NI and the roll out of a programme of support for local tourism destinations.


1.7       Overall a number of additional workshops and industry sessions have been held due to the work of the Tourism Forum and in summary a minimum of 200 businesses/organisations have participated in these.


2    Key Issues


2.1       In June 2012, representatives of the Belfast Tourism Forum attended a facilitated workshop to review progress and identify the best way forward for the Forum. 


2.2       In general there is support for a Belfast Tourism Forum and recognition that Belfast City Council is best to lead on this. Whilst the previous action plan captured all the key priorities, it was perhaps too detailed and the Forum members wished to develop more strategic work streams. The main topics, areas raised during the workshop, fell under the following headings;


-  Strategic Coordination – including better and more

    regular research

-  Branding & Marketing – how best to maximise on

    Titanic message and reinvigorate the city brand

-  World Host City – Belfast needs to be committed to

    customer care and service and should attain World

    Host City status

-  Belfast Destinations – work has commenced on

    developing local destinations across the city and this

    should continue

-  Products and Programmes – music, food, literature,

    city events are all areas which have and continue to

    receive investment – what are the next themes,

    experiences that visitors will be drawn to?


2.3       The next meeting of the Belfast Tourism Forum is planned for 25 October 2012.  The Belfast Tourism Officers Group has met to discuss the findings of the workshop and each organisation has agreed that their priorities for tourism fit within these workstreams. It is therefore proposed that the officers begin populating these workstreams for presentation to the next meeting of the Belfast Tourism Forum. The next meeting will also provide a platform to update stakeholders on the World Police and Fire Games and opportunities for 2013.


2.4       To date, Belfast City Council’s representation on the Belfast Tourism Forum has included the Chair and Deputy Chair of Development Committee, Director of Development, Head of Economic Initiatives, Tourism, Culture and Arts Manager and Tourism Development Officer.  It is recommended that this remains the same, however should the Chair/Deputy Chair be unavailable, that other Members can be approached to ensure that there is political representation at these high profile meetings.


3    Equality and Good Relations Considerations


3.1       There are no specific equality or good relations considerations attached to this report.


4    Recommendations


4.1       Members agree that the Belfast Tourism Forum continues and that work streams are developed for Strategic Coordination, Branding & Marketing World Host City, Belfast Destinations, Products and Programmes.


4.2       The Chair and Deputy Chair or their nominated representatives attend the next meeting of the Belfast Tourism Forum.”


Appendix 1


Belfast Tourism Forum




To oversee the implementation of the Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010 – 2014.


Terms of Reference


1.      To agree actions arising from the Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework and monitor and review its progress, providing regular feedback to Development Committee.


2.      To develop and establish sign up and ownership amongst key stakeholders to an operational annual city tourism workplan which will include key actions, research and monitoring, an internal and external communications plan and reporting structure.


3.      To spread the benefits of tourism to communities across the city through establishing/developing linkages with community led tourism projects.


4.      To prioritise and co-ordinate the implementation of tourism projects and programmes for 2012/13 and monitor and review progress, providing feedback to the co-ordinating Steering Group, Development Committee and other groups as appropriate.


5.      To provide two way communication between the wider tourism industry and Development committee on tourism activities, opportunities and issues.


6.      To communicate tourism developments, tourism performance (via the Council’s Belfast Tourism Monitor) and opportunities to wider tourism industry across Belfast.


7.      To consider relevant Best Practice models elsewhere and share information.


8.      To regularly review all funding opportunities.


9.      To advise Belfast City Council on a range of tourism related issues.




Meetings will be held quarterly.




Quarterly updates to Development Committee.


Representation on Belfast Tourism Forum



Area Partnership Boards include East Belfast Tourism Group, Fáilte Feirste Thair and Greater Shankill Tourism Group


Belfast Chamber of Trade and Commerce

Belfast Hills Partnership







Good Food NI

Hotel Federation

Invest NI

NI Tour Guide Association



People 1st

Pubs of Ulster


Queen’s University of Belfast

Titanic Foundation Limited

Tourism Ireland

University of Ulster


Representation may be added subject to topic / actions for discussion at the Forum Meetings


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Supporting documents: