Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


1.1      Members are aware that Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau submit their Business Plan annually to Development Committee for approval.  The plan covers the leisure marketing and business tourism activity undertaken by BVCB, visitor servicing carried out by BWC in the city centre and at the two airports. This occurs January / February to ensure that budgets and activity are in place by March to allow BVCB to plan activity from the 1 April 2013.


1.2      The plan outlines key performance in the first three quarters of 2012/13 on pages 10 – 11. Some specific examples of successes to date, include securing 56 cruise ships for 2013, exceeding income targets from private sector partners, securing conferences worth £19.1 million for the city and dealing with 451,555 enquiries via the 3 TICs.  Areas under-performing include advertising equivalent from PR due to the lag time between press visits and coverage (therefore likely to reach targets by year end); and value of accommodation booking fees from conferences - delegates tend to negotiate better rates directly with hotels as there is no commission. Overall however, as reported to Committee on a quarterly basis, BVCB’s performance has remained on target for 2012/13 period.


1.3      The plan proposes targets and KPI’s for 2013/14 on pages 6 – 9. Key initiatives for 2013 include the relocation of the Belfast Welcome Centre and servicing the World Police and Fire Games. In summary, through implementing this Business Plan, BVCB will deliver 312,000 bed nights and visitors for Belfast City generating £60 million spend in the local economy.


1.4      The overall budget is £3.8 million of which £1,827,465 is requested from Council. This represents a leverage of 1:1.09 and return on investment of 1:16. BCC’s core contribution is £15,000 less than 2012/13 as one of the initiatives, About Belfast guide, was included in Council’s efficiency programme in 2011; on the basis that this publication could attract commercial sponsorship / advertising and reduce public funding subvention.


1.5      The 2013/14 Business Plan has been developed with input from Council officers. It is aligned to the Belfast Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010 – 2014, contributing to Council’s overall targets to grow visitor numbers by 20% and spend by 40% by 2014.


2         Key Issues


2.1      The Committee received a presentation from NITB and Tourism Ireland in December 2012. One of the key issues discussed included the decline in the GB market and the emerging research on market segments.


2.2      Members agreed to develop a Memorandum of Understanding between BCC/ BVCB, NITB and Tourism Ireland around marketing Belfast as a visitor destination. BCC is taking the lead on this. Following the BVCB meeting on Thursday 24 January 2013, BVCB Chairman and Chief Executive met with the Director of Development, the Head of Economic and International Development and the Tourism, Culture and Arts Manager to agree a process and timetable for the development of a MOU and an association Action Plan. The aim is to complete this exercise by end of May 2013.


2.3      As part of this process BVCB and BCC will analyse the new research on NI/GB/ROI segments undertaken by both NITB and Tourism Ireland. We will assess how well the city’s product fits each segment, identify gaps and finalise key messages and an Action Plan for 2013 and beyond.


2.4      Members will be aware of BCC/BVCB’s current Backin’ Belfast campaign to help drive footfall back into the city. However there is also a need to look at the medium and long term actions to restore confidence in the market place and safeguard conference, cruise and tour operator bookings. BVCB has agreed to review activity on an ongoing basis throughout 2013 and respond as appropriate. Activity in the plan may change and BVCB require the flexibility to respond to the marketplace. KPI’s will remain constant.


2.5      The relocation of the Belfast Welcome Centre is a priority in BVCB’s plan and the Council’s Investment Programme. £1.8 million has been secured from SP&R and EU ERD funding. Plans have now been developed and the procurement of contractors has commenced. Negotiations around current and new leases are ongoing.


2.6      Finally, BVCB will undergo a rebranding exercise in 2013 and after consultation and research with stakeholders and members, the Board of BVCB has agreed on the name Visit Belfast. This will also be used for the new BWC.


3         Resource Implications


3.1      BVCB is requesting £1,827,465. This has been included in departmental estimates.



4         Recommendations


4.1      It is recommended that the Committee agrees support towards BVCB in 2013/14 and will monitor progress against targets on a quarterly basis.


4.2      BCC will lead on developing an MOU with Tourism Ireland and NITB.


4.3      BVCB will respond to the segmentation analysis, MOU and impact of the flag protests as appropriate.”


            It was reported by Mr. G. Lennon and Mr. S. Magorrian, representing Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau, were in attendance and they were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr Lennon reviewed the work which the Bureau had undertaken during 2012 and provided information regarding the number of visitors which the City had attracted during that period. He outlined the economic challenges which the Bureau would face during the forthcoming year and provided examples of how it aimed to strengthen Belfast’s status as a major European city break destination.  He then referred to the themes and performance indicators which would oversee the work to the Bureau and outlined the ongoing plans which it had to review its objectives and aim to concentrate solely on marketing the City on an international basis.


            A prolonged discussion ensued in respect of the Business Plan and a range of views were expressed by Members regarding its contents.  The point was made that the Council should seek to expedite the formulation of a Memorandum of Understanding between all the key agencies which had an interest in the promotion of Belfast as a tourist and conference destination.


            After further discussion, it was


Moved by Alderman Stoker,

Seconded by Alderman Ekin and


      Resolved - That the Committee agrees to provide the sum of £1,827,465 to the Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau for the 2013/2014 financial year.


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