Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       At Development Committee of 8 May 2012, Members agreed to support the hosting of the Global India Business Meeting (GIBM) on 23-24 June 2013.


1.2       GIBM is a major international networking event that brings together over 350 chief executives from major Indian companies with their European counterparts to examine the potential for trade and investment between the two regions.


1.3       The GlBM is the foremost annual gathering of Indian business leaders and their global counterparts.  The event is to open to CEO’s of the world’s leading companies.


1.4       Horasis the event organiser has a partnership with leading Indian firms and uses this network to connect with other leading companies across the globe. The 2012 Global India event took place in Antwerp, Belgium on 24-25 June. Other cities which have recently hosted the event include Munich, Madrid and Naples.


1.5       As part of the GIBM, Belfast City Council is leading on the development of a wider India week to entice Indian visitors to stay longer as well as engage local communities in Indian culture and business opportunities locally.


2          Key Issues


2.1       GIBM

            Whilst Horasis is the organiser of the conference, BCC along with Invest NI (INI) are co hosts.  Horasis organises the programme and secures delegates.  BCC is in the lead in producing the event locally through event management and directing logistics.  BCC is also heavily engaged in inputting to the conference programme, securing local delegates, marketing and communications and organising the opening and closing headline events. 


2.2       Additionally BCC is in the lead in developing opportunities for local companies to benefit from the GIBM meeting and in creating tourism and hospitality packages to maximise economic return to Belfast.  Along with INI, BCC is also paying attention to potential invite lists and confirmed delegates in order to identify key contacts for bi-lateral programmes to be put in place where appropriate.  Through INI’s offices in India, advance contact is being made with a number of companies for lead generation which will be followed up directly during the conference itself to pursue trade and investment opportunities.


2.3       On 12 February, Frank Richter, chairman of Horasis visited Belfast once again for an update with the co hosts (INI and BCC).  Since the last update in November 2012, the Europa Hotel has been confirmed for the conference, with the opening ceremony and dinner in the City Hall and the closing dinner in Titanic Belfast.


2.4       In the last 2 months, the programme for GIBM has been revised, sections changed and Belfast has secured a stronger presence on the panels.  INI have been working with BCC as co host to identify key businesses that need to be invited to ensure maximum market exposure to India as well as investment from Indian companies. More than 250 CEO’s (mostly from India) have confirmed their attendance.  They are from organisations such as Mahindra Satyam (ICT), Wal Mar and Hero Motocorp.  The main programme consists of plenary and dialogue sessions addressing a range of topics from India and World Economic Outlook; to ‘India’s Finance Sector – Riding the Next Wave’.


2.5       Indian Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr Anand Sharma has confirmed his attendance.  Mr Vijay Bahuguna, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand has also confirmed his attendance.  Contact has been made with OFM/DFM to secure the attendance of the First and Deputy First Minister at the opening ceremony.


2.6       Horasis have invited Mr Gregory Barker, MP, Minister of State for Energy and Climate Change and Vince Cable Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills to attend and are exploring participation from ROI.  BCC officers are exploring the possibility of a European Commissioner attending.


2.7       Wider India Week

            In addition to the main Global India conference, Belfast has secured a number of additional events which are linked to the GIBM.  Organisations such as, the UK Indian Business Council, the Young Presidents Association, European India Chamber of Commerce, and Eurochambers are holding separate meetings in Belfast to tie in with delegates attending the GIBM.  This provides BCC with the opportunity to create additional links with important umbrella associations focused on trade and investment in India.  BCC is offering event management and organisational support along with identifying ‘open’ sessions where local companies and business groupings can be connected in with their Indian counterparts to promote business opportunities.


2.8       Due to active engagement by BCC, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) are hosting a seminar entitled ‘A Partnership to promote the Knowledge Economy’ which will take place immediately following the main conference.  Its aim is to profile the R&D expertise of QUB and the types of industry support available to International Companies. 


2.9       BCC is also leading on developing a wider cultural programme.  Officers are engaging with Arts Council, Artseka and Lord Rana, to develop cultural linkages as well as Tourism Ireland and Northern Ireland Tourist Board to develop tourism packages for visitors.  Events such as food tasting at St Georges Market, a mini Mela, Bollywood films and a culinary tour of India are being developed.


2.10     Members will be aware that G8 will be held the week before (17-18 June.) Officers are investigating the potential to connect Global India with G8 to maximise profile and further embed international linkages.


2.11     Wider Belfast/India International Strategy

            As part of developing a wider India Strategy, Officers have been reviewing the Indian market.  An Indian Stakeholders Group meeting, was held on 13 February to discuss where they engage in India, their experiences and how they see the Council working with them in the Indian Market.  The Indian Stakeholders Group comprises, Andras House, Arts Council, Belfast Metropolitan College, Belfast City Airport, Belfast City Centre Management, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau, Bombardier, British Council NI, European Commission NI, Ministry of Defence, INI Chamber of Commerce, NI Connections, NI Tourist Board, Office of First and Deputy First Minister, Queens University Belfast, Titanic Quarter, Tourism Ireland and the University of Ulster.


2.12     As part of this stakeholder review, officers have been examining where BCC would be best place to maximise investment potential both to Belfast and for Belfast companies exporting to India.  Future opportunities include joint outward missions, stronger connections with the local Indian community as well as new sister cities to strengthen Belfast’s profile in market.


2.13     Belfast City Council-potential civic/destination partners

            INI have offices in Mumbai and New Delhi and are working with officers to identify where Belfast City Council should engage in the market.  Officers have also been working with UK Trade and Investment to seek advice.


2.14     To date INI are suggesting Belfast should consider a potential civic linkage with Madhya Pradesh.  Madhya Pradesh is India’s growth centre with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals, IT, manufacturing (cars), tourism and food processing.  It is located in central India and has a highly skilled workforce.


2.15     Additionally BCC are also being asked to engage with Chennai by QUB as a potential civic linkage.  Chennai is host to the world’s largest mobile phone factory (Nokia), Xerox’s Global Innovation/Tech, SYSTIME’s Global Delivery Centre and is a global manufacturing hub for Samsung, LG.


2.16     INI is organising a trade mission to India on 14-19 April.  The mission includes Mumbai and New Delhi.  They have invited BCC to accompany them to see firsthand, where Belfast should engage in India.  Barry Clarke, Regional Director INI for Asia will assist in developing a separate programme for Belfast as will Dr Satish Kumar from Queens University should BCC wish to participate. 


2.17     The purpose of the INI mission is to support 25 SMEs secure potential trade deals with Indian businesses in their sector.  BCC are invited to learn from INI’s in-market experience on how Indian Business Culture operates and also Council will be offering civic support to local entrepreneurs seeking to deliver additional economic return for Belfast.  Should BCC decide to participate on this mission it would also provide a key opportunity to promote the GIBM Conference in Belfast and attract more delegates as well as provide a platform to visibly start showcasing Belfast as a destination to the international marketplace of India.


3          Resource Implications


3.1       Since the last update in November 2012, managing the GIBM, the India week and developing intelligence on the Indian market is being developed with staff resource in the European Unit.


3.2       Budget of GIBM

            The budget of GIBM was agreed at the Committee meeting on 6 November 2012.  The total is approximately £160,000 including £30,000 from INI.  This includes venue hire/catering, transport and marketing.


3.3       Cost of BCC participation in INI’s trade mission to India for three participants is approximately £6,000.  This includes flights, accommodation and subsistence.


5          Recommendations


5.1       Members are asked to;


1.   Note the update on GIBM and wider India events and strategy.

2.   Consider whether BCC wish to participate in the INI Trade Mission in April 2013.

3.   Agree that a further report on potential civic links or sister cities be brought back to Committee at a future date.”


            The Committee agreed to partake in the Trade Mission to India and agreed further that it be represented thereat by the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Director, Head of Economic Initiative and International Development (or their nominees).



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