Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report


“1      Relevant Background Information


1.1     At the Development Committee 22 May 2012, Members agreed to support Belfast Restaurant Week for a three-year period commencing in 2012.


1.2     Belfast Restaurant Week 2012 attracted match funding from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Northern Ireland Tourist Board, Tourism Ireland, the Pork and Bacon Forum and the private sector.  Additional support was delivered via social networking, marketing and communications.


1.3     The success of Belfast Restaurant Week 2012 which took place from 6 to 13 October has been measured by: the number of participating restaurants, the success of the sell out events delivered during the week as well as the excellent positive PR it generated for Belfast and our world class food offer.


1.4     In summary:


·               82 restaurants registered to participate offering special menus and added value offers.

·               30 highly popular events were delivered by the sector, attracting significant media interest and coverage.

·               Two showcase events were hosted in BCC venues including the ‘Battle of the Chefs’ at St George’s Market and ‘An Evening with Charles Campion’ at the City Hall.

·               Public feedback has been extremely positive and there is a clear indication that food tourism is a very important, sustainable product to capitalise on.

·               Innovative and high profile marketing campaign delivered

·               BRW2012 has established a strong sector working group with a commitment to ensuring the food offer and service in the city is world class.

·               The PR value generated from the Belfast Restaurant Week campaign is valued at £151,000. 


1.5     The aim of Belfast Restaurant Week aligns with the pledges contained in the Investment Strategy and the Integrated Strategic Tourism Framework 2010 to 2014.  Belfast Restaurant Week is also integral to the development of the Food Tourism product, increase trade, encourage excellence in service, celebrate the importance of the restaurant/food sector for the local economy and employment, and to showcase the best of local food, producers and fresh produce.


1.6     The objectives of the Belfast Restaurant Week 2013 are to:


·               Increase the number of culinary events

·               Increase footfall and mid week dinning

·               Promote eating out as an activity during that week

·               Showcase new and cultural food offering

·               Promote dining experiences for a range of lifestyles

·               Promote local produce, excellent chefs, skills and wealth of the food offer


2       Key Issues


2.1     It is crucial to build on the success of BRW2012 and ensure that BRW2013 creates more economic impact and support for the restaurant/hospitality sector. It is therefore necessary that adequate resources and support are in place to achieve the aims and objectives.


2.2     BRW 2013 (5 to 12 October 2013) – year two planning is underway and it is proposed that additional funding will be sought to support BCC investment.


2.3     A key stakeholder Steering/Working group has been established to implement the plans as well as a Sector Steering Group to ensure that BRW2013 delivers for the industry.


2.4     To instigate registration it is proposed that BRW2013 will be launched to the industry on Thursday 9 May 2013 with a launch to the consumer in August 2013.


3       Resource Implications


         BRW2013 requires a budget of approximately £60,000. The sum of £40K has been identified for BRW2013. On approval additional funding will be sought from:


·               Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

·               Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB)

·               Pork and Bacon Forum

·               Food NI

·               Contributions from each participating restaurant


4       Recommendations


         The Committee is requested to:


1.      Approve a budget of £40,000;

2.      Approve Officers seeking funding and sponsorship

3.      Approve an industry launch during May 2013;

4.      Agree that officers explore links with other food events taking place throughout the month; and

5.      Approve calls to procure to secure services linked to delivering Belfast Restaurant Week 2013.


            The Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to officers exploring the feasibility of extending and promoting the scope of Belfast Restaurant Week to additional areas beyond the City centre.


Supporting documents: