Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.     Background Information


1.1     Members will be aware that at a meeting of the Development Committee in March 2012, approval was given for the sum of £60,000 to deliver Belfast Music Week 2012 in order to achieve a legacy from the MTV EMA Awards, give a concentrated focus on the promotion of indigenous musicians, to show Belfast’s rich musical heritage, thriving contemporary musical scene and promote and highlight the city’s distinctiveness.  This included appointment of a coordinator to promote equality of opportunity, good relations to ensure clarity of vision.


1.2     Visit Britain’s research shows that 21% of potential visitors are inspired to choose a destination because of the music or bands of that country, and approved a Music Tourism Action Plan in order to celebrate Belfast’s rich musical heritage.  The Music Sector in Belfast has grown significantly over the past three years and now plays a key role in the overall economic development of the city.  With a rise in musicians and bands making headlines in the international marketplace and new and innovative music businesses based in Belfast, BCC is playing a significant role for this industry.


1.4     The aims of Belfast Music Week are:


·               To increase the profile of Belfast as an exciting weekend break destination to actively travelling young adults across UK, ROI and Europe and maximise the economic return from music tourism.

·               To showcase and strengthen Belfast’s position on the world stage as a primary destination for music, entertainment and culture.

·               To increase the number of musicians doing business internationally.

·               To promote and enhance a confident, positive, exciting image of Belfast through delivering world-class events.

·               To bring together all sectors of the community from Belfast and across the region whilst improving community cohesion.


1.5     Tourism Ireland (TI) and Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) are committed to developing the music offering and tourism access to both live music and additional product development.  To this end, they work with Belfast City Council to maximize the tourism industry opportunities and ensure they are visitor ready. Belfast Music Week is in line with Tourism Ireland new target market for Belfast following the recent segmentation exercise ‘social energizers’ and ‘culture seekers’, and the NITB brand in delivering an event that is ‘uniquely NI’ and promotes the best of indigenous music. The event meant that Belfast’s local scene could target demographics both internationally and locally that we have not had the opportunity to reach before.


Key Issues


2.1     Belfast Music Week 2012


         Belfast Music Week (winner of Best Event at the NI Tourism Awards) took place from Sunday 4 to Sunday 11 November 2012 and had a total economic impact of over £2.08 million for the city as compared to £1.86 million in 2011 (Millward Brown Ulster). The celebration of local bands and venues, as well as the wider music industry and community, featured live music performances, workshops, seminars and networking events and gave a chance to see legends and breaking talent, and to appreciate the ongoing success stories and a musical city.


2.2     A summary of the key outputs from 2012 are as follows;


         There were over 250 events (170 in 2011)


·               70 venues were used across the city (45 in 2011)

·               Events were attended by 41,041 people (33,500 in 2011)

·               Belfast Music Week PR reached 7.86 million people

·               Two thirds (67%) would not have visited Belfast that day if the events had not been staged

·               99% of attendees said they would recommend attending Belfast Music Week events

·               The number of people attracted to the Belfast Music Facebook site increased from 1,800 in October 2012 to 14,250

·               77% of the attendees were between 16-34yrs

·               Media coverage was 100 % positive and surpassed the achievements of BMW 2011

·               The total value of positive local PR alone, ascertained by Northern Ireland Media Monitoring, was £282,801


2.3     Belfast Music Week has enabled NITB and Tourism Ireland to position Belfast’s image and perception of the destination and create appeal with a younger audience. Key messaging focuses on why there has never been a better time to go to Belfast and most of all, offering the unique indigenous music proposition which helps to position Belfast as a unique modern short break destination.


2.4     Belfast Music Week 2013


         Approval is now sought to deliver Belfast Music Week 2013 (Mon 11–Sun 17 November).  Partners (including TI, NITB, Invest NI, British Council, BVCB) and the music sector desire Belfast Music Week to take place again because;


·               There is nothing equivalent in the city and it fills a product gap - a festival of completely indigenous music.  It is hence easier to promote nationally and internationally as it is distinctive to Belfast.

·               It encourages the music sector to work in partnership rather than in competition with each other, due to Council taking a co-ordination role.

·               It increases national and international music media visits to the city.

·               It showcases and gives local bands a unique opportunity to perform in front of national and international music industry


2.5     A neutral co-ordination role is required to ensure Belfast Music Week is open to all live music providers and to ensure clarity of vision, aims and objectives.  It will also ensure there are no programme clashes and that the sector work in partnership rather than in competition.  Headline events will continue to be profiled to maximise exposure, the venues and hospitality sector will be encouraged to programme live music and representation of genres such as classical, traditional, jazz, folk will continue.  Partnerships will be identified and the sourcing of external funding.


2.6    Showcasing of Belfast Music Week with Tourism Ireland


         UK Music Industry research shows that music tourists contribute at least £864m a year to the UK economy and they spend a quarter more in the UK than the average overseas visitor.  This is key to developing the youth market, especially in terms of Europe and easily reaching an international market with an event of international stand out appeal.  From these findings UK Music has issued a list of recommendations with the immediate goal of increasing the number of overseas music tourists and key to this is external showcasing.


2.7     Belfast City Council has received many offers for music industry and media showcases for Belfast Music in order to preview to the visitor market, generate coverage, and encourage export of music businesses, including GB, ROI and Europe.   These are currently being considered in the context of the Integrated Music Action Plan for Belfast to ensure clarity both internally and externally and a further report will be brought to Committee in relation to a three year plan.


2.8     In advance of this, approval is sought from Members to avail of three immediate opportunities which have arisen for Summer/Autumn 2013.  Following investigation, they are thought to be of high priority by the local music sector and are in line with BVCB, NITB, Invest NI and TI plans. 


·               London Showcase – in partnership with Gibson Guitars, BVCB and Tourism Ireland

·               Berlin Music Week – in partnership with Tourism Ireland and the British Council

·               Sea-sessions RoI – in partnership with NITB


2.9     Tourism Ireland has confirmed support but recommended early engagement: ‘Music continues to be a major theme for our promotion of Belfast. Tourism Ireland remains very positive about co-operative marketing proposals for programmes and showcases in our markets. Tourism Ireland will take the lead on many of these and there will be others - perhaps where there is a creative industries sector focus - where Tourism will provide a supporting role. The potential within the music and entertainment industry for positive publicity was effectively tapped by the Belfast Music Week launch in London last year and Tourism Ireland looks forward to supporting similar promotions for the 2013 music week.  We would urge early engagement so that it can be integrated with other promotions.’


2.10   Approval is sought to contribute a total of £6,000 of the Belfast Music Week budget in order to raise the profile of Belfast’s live venues, festivals, businesses and artists via showcasing across the year.  The budget is to contribute to the cost of flights and accommodation of artists, a publicist (selected via Tourism Ireland liaising with Corporate Communications) and one officer where appropriate. To ensure transparency of selection, an expression of interest will be widely circulated and assessed and scored by a panel of music industry and media.


3       Resource Implications


3.1     Finance


         £60,000 to deliver Belfast Music Week 2013 and Belfast Music Tourism Product and Showcasing Development which has been provided within the Departmental Budget 2013/14 action plan.


4       Recommendations


         The Committee is requested to:


1.      Approve a budget of £60,000 (which has been provided within the Departmental Budget 2013/14 action plan) and the appointment of a Belfast Music Co-coordinator for Belfast Music Week 2013


2.      Utilise £6,000 of the £60,000 to support three external showcases in partnership with Tourism Ireland, NITB, British Council (liaising with Corporate Communications and BVCB)


4.      Agree that officers work in partnership with Tourism Ireland, NITB, DCAL, Invest NI, commercial sponsors and the music sector to leverage further funding for Belfast Music Week


5.      Support international industry and media, in partnership with relevant agencies, to attend Belfast Music Week 2013


6.      In light of the music plan, to agree to host a workshop at City Hall with key individuals and businesses from the Belfast Music Industry to which all Members of the Committee would be invited.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to consideration being given to providing additional opportunities for emerging local bands to showcase their talents throughout the week-long event.  


Supporting documents: