Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the 2012 Belfast Business Awards had been held in the City Hall on 8th November. The ceremony, which had been attended by 330 guests, had included eleven categories and attracted over 120 entries. The event was delivered on behalf of the Council by Belfast City Centre Management and income had been generated by sponsorship and ticket sales for the event. However, in net terms, the cost incurred by the Council in delivering the ceremony was in the region £20,000, with an additional £9,000 being paid as a management fee to Belfast City Centre Management. 


            The Director reported that, given the current economic climate, it had proved difficult to secure private sponsorship for the 2013 awards. He pointed out that, whilst the event had been delivered on the Council’s behalf, there remained a significant level of internal administration associated with the awards. He explained that, given the current range of activities carried out by the Economic Development Unit as part of the Investment Programme, it had become increasingly difficult to allocate sufficient resources to oversee the Council’s remit in the delivery of the event. Accordingly, the Director outlined the undernoted options for the Committee’s consideration: 


Option 1


·         Consider refocusing the awards to promote a distinct aspect of business in the City, such as the Digital Belfast. Such an option would reflect the growing importance of technology-focused growth and would be in line with the super-connected Belfast initiative, together with innovation-led developments such as the Digital Hub.  Should the Committee endorse this option, consideration might be given to working with a relevant partner in the delivery of the event.


Option 2


·         Proceed as in previous years and work with Belfast City Centre Management in organising the awards and take the lead role on communication, registration and judging as well as overall project delivery responsibility, which would include financial management; and


Option 3


·         Agree not to become a lead partner in the event in 2013 but request that Belfast City Centre Management organise the awards using Council branding.


            The Director explained that the costs associated with each option would vary, however, options 1 and 2 would be likely to involve a commitment of approximately £30,000, in addition to the use of significant staff resources.  In respect of option 3, a request would, most likely, be submitted for financial support from the organising partner, but there would be limited implications for staff resources.


            Discussion ensued in respect of the options outlined and Members expressed concern that, given that there had been income derived from sponsorship and ticket sales for the event in the past, the Council was still incurring significant costs in hosting the ceremony despite the fact that it was being delivered by an external organisation. The point was made that there existed a plethora of similar-type events in Belfast and, accordingly, the Council might wish to reassess, over an interim period, the specific value of the event in light of the significant costs incurred in its delivery.  


After further discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor Webb,

Seconded by Councillor Reynolds and


      Resolved – That the Committee agrees not to proceed with any awards event in 2013.


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