Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted update report in respect of the hosting by the City of the Global India Conference 2013:


“2         Key Issues


2.1        Global India Business Meeting takes place on June 23rd to 25th in Belfast with the opening event on Sunday 23 June in City Hall, the main conference in the Europa Hotel on 24th June, closing dinner in Titanic Belfast and an additional optional session in Queen’s University on the morning of the 25th June. The GIBM programme format normally only follows a 2 day programme but Council working alongside Queens University has put in place a knowledge seminar on the 25th to allow QUB to present their research offering to the visiting business delegates.  Additionally Council has worked with Tourism Ireland and Belfast Visitor and Convention Bureau to present a complimentary comprehensive leisure and tour package for delegates to avail of both pre and post conference.   This programme entails visits to Belfast itself, Giant’s Causeway, Fermanagh Lakelands and Down and Mountains of Mournes amongst others.


2.2        Horasis are responsible for securing the international conference speakers and to date have confirmed that Minister Anand Sharma, India Trade and Commerce Minister will participate along with a further Minister from the Uttarakand region.  Horasis have confirmed that Ministers Cable and Barker from UK Government will attend also.  Local speakers have been added to the programme by Horasis on the recommendations of Council and Invest Ni to ensure that there is a distinct ‘Belfast’ dimension to the programme differentiating this GIBM from other cities’ events in previous years. Whilst Horasis are responsible for international delegate attraction, Invest NI have been working hard alongside Council to attract target companies to the conference in Belfast so that they can be given a personalized programme to secure their interest in investment or trade opportunities here. Council and Invest NI also have a role in attracting local delegates and we have prepared detailed lists of target companies and organisations that are likely to gain most from this opportunity. 


2.3        To date there are 220 international delegates confirmed mainly from India/Asia and there are places for up to 50 local business delegates. All Members of the Development Committee will be invited. There will be a role for Lord Mayor of Belfast and Chair of Development Committee. The First and Deputy First Ministers and DETI Minister have also been invited. Council and Invest NI also have the opportunity to provide exhibition stands and information desks at the conference itself.  Given the interest shown in Belfast at this time it is recommended that a new contemporary video/cd promotional tool is produced to use at the conference and at other similar events for international development over the next period.


India Week


2.5        Members asked that following the success of attracting GIBM to Belfast consideration be given to the creation of a wider programme of events to highlight all aspects of Indian Culture in Belfast and to profile the significant work undertaken by city partners in international development with India already.  We have been working with a wide range of city stakeholders including Belfast Met, British Cultural Council, Arts Council, Arts Ekta, QUB, Lord Rana etc which are engaged as part of an India Stakeholders group in exploring options for the delivery of an India week in June around the conference dates. Strong endorsement for such a programme was also evident as part of Council’s mission to India last week when keynote individuals and organisations met were keenly interested in the wider programme and extending their stay to participate in the programme. 


2.6        A draft programme for India week is being developed which contains headline cultural events such as Indian dance and arts companies performing in Belfast, Indian films being shown at Queens Film Theatre, Indian culinary tours and food events, a cricket match, golf tournament and an economic seminar. An opening event is proposed at City Hall on 22 June comprising of a wide variety of free workshops which will be open to the general public (including flower arranging, massage, Henna tattoos and dance). A smaller event may also take place on 29 June to formally close the cultural week which itself will include pyrotechnics and acrobatic dance.


2.7        Approval of a budget up to 60K is required to deliver the programme including appropriate marketing of the week to the wider public alongside the international audience. Sponsorship opportunities are also being explored.


            Initial Report Back on BCC Mission to India


2.8        Belfast undertook an outward mission to New Delhi and Mumbai from 13-19 April 2013 to meet with key individuals and organisations within the target markets of Trade and Investment, Tourism and Education. Council participated in elements of both Invest NI’s company trade mission programme  (17 companies attending) and of Tourism Ireland’s Trade programme (12 companies attending) and undertook our own itinerary covering business associations, keynote companies and contacts associated with GIBM and leading producers and film companies from the Indian film sector.  Invest Ni’s overseas office played a highly valuable and central role in supporting the Council delegation under the auspices of Barry Clarke


2.9        Overall from an early assessment the mission was successful and delivered the following:


·         Belfast was recognised at a senior level within the business world of being open to business

·         Belfast was commended for being serious about international engagement with India by being present in the market place

·         Leading business people and associations such as the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and All India Management Association confirmed they would be leading delegations of companies to Belfast in June

·         All welcomed the opportunity to have personalized business itineraries tailored to their companies needs to allow them to explore new investments or trade opportunities in Belfast.

·         All were keenly interested in extending their stay in Belfast and beyond for leisure purposes, many delegates are bringing accompanying persons and their families to Belfast as this is the traditional summer holiday period for Indians.

·         Agreed joint communications to go out from Horasis and Council/Invest NI on follow up to confirmed delegates on what Belfast offers and to confirm additional programmes of activity

·         Key contacts met in Renewables, Cleantech and Creative Industries all eager to explore opportunities for investment here

·         Indian Film Council and leading producers pledged to undertake a visit to Belfast and beyond for new film locations

·         Potential sister cities identified for further exploration by Belfast at a later date.

·         In market knowledge gained about the opportunities and pitfalls of international engagement with India


            Concentration must now be delivery of GIBM and follow up with key contacts to ensure their participation in the conference is capitalised upon.”



            The Committee noted the information provided and agreed that the Council be represented at any events associated with the conference by the incoming Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor, together with the incoming Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Strategic Policy and Resources and Development Committees.


Supporting documents: