Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


1      Relevant Background Information


1.1      In 2012 Members agreed a framework for the Youth Forum’s future programme of work and noted it was timely to consider placing the Youth Forum on a more stable footing, agreeing the programme costs for the next two year period.


1.2      The Council has provided support on a temporary basis since 2006 to the Youth Forum and this paper seeks permission to formalise and create a new substantive post entitled ‘Young People Co-ordinator’  in the Children and Young People Unit.


1.3      Originally the role was to provide support and develop the Youth Forum and with the support of Youth champions animate the democratic and political engagement of young people. From inception the role has evolved and continues to support the Youth Forum whilst extending to co-ordinating most of the opportunities and engagement of young people in projects, initiatives supported by the Council e.g:

·         Manage over 50 engagement opportunities for young people annually;

·         Deliver city wide events;

·         Administer up to £60,000 Ur City 2 grant aid in neighbourhood renewal areas;

·         Support officers throughout the council to effectively engage young people in service design and delivery, projects, etc.


           Strategic development

2.1      Last month Members received an update on Children and Young people which detailed the strategic direction to link up the Council’s priority of Children and Young People through a corporate framework to better deliver services to children and young people. The substantive role is required to support the delivery of the related programme of work to better realise aspiring, assertive and enterprise young people in a safe and welcoming city.


           Addressing a need

2.2      This need was previously resourced via the temporary post Youth Forum Co-ordinator as part of a package of dedicated temporary resources to establish the Youth Forum. The Youth Forum has been in existence since 2006 and the temporary post has been extended year on year and has been included in Departmental estimates.  The need has not reduced and the body of work continues to grow in effect becoming core business unique to the Council’s position.


2.3      Since inception, the temporary post has been filled via internal secondment with related substantive posts that were back filled.  Given the importance of our work to ensure the participation and active engagement of youth people in the city, we believe the creation of a substantive officer position will better ensure effective service continuity and skills development and retention.


3         Resource Implications


3.1      The draft Job Description will be subject to formal evaluation, however, it is anticipated that an indicative grade for the post would be PO1 (£27,849-£30,011) – PO3 (£31,754 – £34,549). Costs associated with the temporary position are within 2013/14 development budget.  If the new post is approved, it will be added to the substantive staff budget.




           Members are requested to consider and approve the creation of a substantive post of Young People Co-ordinator.


            The Committee agreed to create the post of Young People Co-ordinator on a projected salary scale of PO1 to PO3.