Agenda item


            (The Director of Finance and Resources attended in connection with this item.)


            The Committee considered a report, which had been prepared by the Director of Finance and Resources, in respect of the Committee’s estimates of revenue expenditure for the financial year 2014/2015.  A copy of that section of the report, in so far as it applied specifically to the Development Committee, is set out hereunder:


Development Committee


A spending limit of £19,144,021 is recommended for the department in 2014/15 which represents a decrease of £181k or 0.94% on the 2013/14 budget.  The budgetary intentions of the Department for the next year are:




Community Services


City Events and Venues


Economic Initiatives Section






Total Net Expenditure



Community Services


The amount provided for in the 2014/15 Community Services budget estimate has decreased by £25k.  The estimate is based on the continuation of activity at a similar level to the previous years, with some re-focusing required in line with the newly developed BCC Community Development Strategy.  It is also based on a consistent level of anticipated income from DSD through its regional Community Support Programme in advance of any agreed budget for BCC post Local Government Reform.


City Events and Venues


The service budget for 2014/15 has been reduced by £182,156 to £3.74m. The estimates for 2014/2015 cover the net cost of operating the Belfast Waterfront and the Ulster Hall, the annual events and sports events schedule and Support for Sport grants.


During 2014/2015 both the Belfast Waterfront and Ulster Hall will continue to provide world class entertainment and conference facilities that will promote the cultural and economic regeneration of Belfast.


As part of the Council’s Strategic Investment Programme an application has been submitted to fund the new extension at the Waterfront Hall.  The external funding application is now in the final stages and if funding approval is received in 2013, building works will commence in 2014 and continue for a period of 18 months.  In absence of a construction schedule and final design plans it is impossible to predict the impact of these works on venue operations however based on information available at September 2013 it is hoped that normal activity will be possible.  The retention of the Auditorium, Studio and front of house bar and gallery areas is firmly embedded in the current design scheme, however, it has been indicated that there will be the closure of some of the smaller meeting/dressing rooms and an impact on staff office accommodation. The Revenue Estimates for 2014/2015 have been prepared on that basis.  On appointment we will work proactively with the successful contractor to protect business continuity throughout the period.


Within City Events, this period would see the continuation of the annual programme of events, Big Screen and sports funding.  In addition to this programme, there would be additional one-off projects during this period.  These include: Giro d’Italia (9 to 12 May 2014) and the UK National Piping Championships (14 June 2014).  These events, along with contractual commitments to Tall Ships in 2015, have been funded from the Council’s Specified Events Reserve.  In addition Council has agreed to a three year commitment to the Circuit of Ireland event.  This would be at a cost of £25,000 per year from 2014 to 2016 and has been included in the existing Major Events revenue budget. 


Economic Initiatives and International Development


The 2014/2015 estimates are based on a continuation of activity at a similar level to previous years with additional activity and new areas of work to meet the priorities identified within the Council’s Investment Programme.


Economic Development Unit: The amount provided for in the 2014/2015 estimate is in line with the anticipated income from EU through Invest NI within this timeframe.  It is based on a continuation of activity at a similar level to the previous years, with some additional activity and new areas of work to meet the priorities identified within the Council’s Investment Programme


Tourism, Culture & Arts Unit: The 2014/2015 budget will help deliver year one of a new integrated strategy for tourism.  This will be developed in partnership with the NI Tourist Board, Tourism Ireland and DETI.   A significant portion of the annual budget supports Visit Belfast to market Belfast and provide Visitor Servicing through the Belfast Welcome Centre and wider network.  The budget will also in part be assigned to the delivery of the Cultural Framework which has been developed in partnership with the Arts Council NI and the city’s culture, arts and heritage sectors.  This includes funding of over £1.8m to cultural and community organisations via four grants schemes that support the Framework themes of celebrating Belfast distinctive arts and heritage; inspiring communities; attracting audiences; and strengthening the sector.


Markets: The budget for the 2014/15 financial year is allocated to three general areas of activity which include St George’s Market, Smithfield Market, the Continental Market and also the introduction of Open Air Markets for which a policy is now completed and will give the Council the opportunity to explore additional income streams.


European Unit: Following the Structural Review (Development Committee 16/10/12) the European Unit transferred from the Directorate section to the new Economic Initiatives and International Development section.  The European Unit will continue to deliver against their objectives: to maximise EU Funding, to interpret, disseminate and influence EU Policy; to promote Belfast in the EU and to raise awareness of EU affairs in the region.


International Development: will deliver the International Relations Framework and Action Plan once resources are secured for this new area of work.  The purpose of this international marketing framework is to ensure that Belfast is internationally positioned as a strong, attractive and competitive destination of choice for those who trade, invest, visit and study in the City.


Directorate: The Directorate budget has reduced by £76k.  Whilst the work of the unit has continued to evolve the broad areas of activity for the 2014/15 financial year remain broadly similar with resources currently allocated across the main Business Plan activity.







Net Expenditure

Net Expenditure   









Community Services



Community Resource Unit



Community Services Management






Area Support Unit



Community Grants



Community Facilities



Children & Young People



City Events and Venues



Belfast Waterfront/Ulster Hall



City Events



Economic Initiatives and

International Development



Tourism, Culture and Arts



Economic Development



European Unit









Development Directorate



City Development



Business Research and Development



Urban Development








            The Director of Development outlined the factors which had been taken into account in the preparation of the estimates and highlighted the savings which had been identified which had contributed to a decrease in the Department’s estimate of 0.94% on the previous year’s figure.  He informed the Members that, at its meeting on 10th January, the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee had agreed that the cash limit for the Development Committee be set at £19,144,021.


            The Committee agreed that its estimate of expenditure for the financial year 2014/2015 be set at £19,144,021.


Supporting documents: