Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that the Council had, in 2004, instigated the Revenue Grant for Community Buildings scheme.  As part of that scheme, the Council had granted funding to community groups to assist them in the running and maintenance of their facilities with priority being afforded to groups which operated within areas of greatest social need.  The Director reminded the Committee that preference was given to neighbourhood groups which could demonstrate a broad based programme of activity. He added that the scheme was open only to applications from new groups which had acquired their building since the last open call, which had taken place in 2010.


            The Committee was advised that nine applications for funding had been received by the closing date of 6th December, 2013, three of which had been deemed ineligible since the groups were in receipt of either revenue funding or a capacity building grant.  The Director outlined the methodology which had been used as part of the assessment of the applications and indicated that, after evaluation, only one group, viz., the Roma Community Association Northern Ireland, had met with the criteria and had been deemed eligible for assistance. He pointed out also that those applicants whom had been rejected had been offered the right to appeal the Council’s decision.


             Accordingly, the Committee agreed to adopt the recommendation as set out hereunder and noted also the applications which had been deemed unsuccessful, together with the reasons as outlined:




Name of Organisation

Amount Requested


Romanian/Roma Community Association NI




Not Recommended


Name of Organisation

Amount Requested

Reason for Rejection

Lower Falls Newstart Project


The organisation does not meet the specific assessment criteria of a Broad Based Programme’ – targeting a range of age groups (Children and young people, adults, senior citizens) with a broad range of activities (social, recreational, educational).

Not a new organisation with a new building – established in 1989

Artillery Youth Club


The organisation does not meet the specific assessment criteria of   a ‘Broad Based Programme’ – targeting a range of age groups (children and young people, adults and senior citizens) with a broad range of activities (social, recreational, educational).

Not a new group with a new building – established 1997

Ardoyne Association


Specific criteria for revenue funding targets new groups who have acquired a building since the last open call for application in 2010.  The Organisation have not acquired their building since 2010 (acquired 1994) and are not a new group (established in 1978).

CumannCulthura Mhic Reachtain


Specific criteria for revenue funding targets groups who have acquired a building since the last open call for application in 2010.  The Organisation have not acquired their building since 2010 (acquired in 2004). In addition the Organisation has not complied with its governing document relating to AGM quorum.

Cliftonville Community Regeneration Forum


Specific criteria for revenue funding targets new groups who have acquired a building since the last open call for application in 2010.  The Organisation has not acquired their building since 2010 (acquired in 2003) and are not a new group – (established in 2002). 


Supporting documents: