Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Background Information


1.3       The purpose of this report is to provide updates and seek approval for a number of proposals linked to the council and additional ongoing programmes.  The updates are in respect of:


-       Progress of works under our current agreed programme in Oldpark and Stewartstown Roads

-       Progress on the DSD funded local regeneration programme on Lower Ormeau Road incorporating Cormac Street and Newtownards Road


1.4       Following on from the programme approved in February 2012, Committee support is sought in relation to the specific local regeneration action plans for Lisburn Road and Castlereagh Road areas as presented in Appendix 2.


2          Key Issues


2.1       Oldpark Rd and Andersonstown Rd


            In May 2013, Development Committee approved the Local Regeneration Plans for Oldpark Road (Torrens Avenue to Cliftondene Crescent) and Andersonstown Road (Hillhead Crescent to Suffolk Road). Due to issues with implementing the contract the work programme has been delayed. It is anticipated work will complete in autumn 2014.


2.2       On site work has commenced on Oldpark Road where 26 units have been identified for improvements. Boundary improvement scheme to include new fencing work has completed to the car sales yard. New signage to the pedestrian gates is proposed to add value to the newly refurbished Millennium Park. An environmental improvement scheme to potentially include a feature lighting scheme is being planned for the Moravian Church.


2.3       The programme is also on site on Andersonstown Road (Node 4: Stewartstown Road from Hillhead Crescent to Suffolk Road) where a number of commercial businesses are undergoing frontage upgrades. In partnership with our Tourism, Culture and Art’s Unit, an extension of the visitors signage network will be developed with a sign to be located outside St John the Baptist Church. This will complement the environmental improvement work currently underway to the boundary walls and railings of category B listed Church. A joint improvement scheme at the Hunting Lodge is also being planned to enhance the local environment through an upgrade of the boundary walls, railings and gates. This will complement the work and investment currently being undertaken by the premises owners.


2.4       Officers continue regular contact with Department of Regional Development (DRD) and their consultants Amey Consultancy surrounding the proposed enabling measures to facilitate the introduction of an additional bus lane along the Stewartstown Road. This will result in carriageway widening for several areas with footways and street lighting also being reconfigured.


2.5       As Members will be aware, following ongoing discussions with Amey and DRD, it has been confirmed that two of the potential environmental projects have been affected by the realignment of the carriageway. As a result of Amey/DRD negotiations over land acquisition and vesting, the Council will not be able to enter into legal agreements with the landowners on these projects. The projects affected are:


-       the proposed environmental improvement scheme at Hillhead Crescent and,

-       the environmental improvement scheme and railing works along the Stewartstown Road. 


2.6       As part of the ongoing consultation exercise, we have already engaged with property owners for the alternative projects and a number of alternative schemes from the Action Plan have been proposed including additional commercial units, and environmental improvements schemes at Suffolk Library and Suffolk Day Centre.





2.7       Newtownards Road and Ormeau Road Council Programme


            Integrated Regeneration Plans for Newtownards Road (from Bridge End to Witham Street) and Ormeau Road (from Ormeau Embankment to Ravenhill Road Roundabout) were approved in August 2012.


2.8       The completion of these initiatives in the agreed Actions Plans was achieved within the agreed allocations and an underspend has been identified allowing additional units to be targeted under the commercial improvement programme on both roads.


2.9       Cromac Street/Lower Ormeau Road and Newtownards Road


            Work is nearing completion on the DSD funded local regeneration programme on lower Ormeau Road incorporating Cromac Street. The £155,000 investment in the area has benefitted the cosmetic enhancement of 40 units with complementary environmental improvement schemes to the Arena Building, H&J Martin boundary and an area of vacant green space on the corner of Cooke Street.


2.10     Construction worked commenced in late autumn 2013 for the DSD funded units on the Newtownards Road (Bridge End to Welland Street) and has resulted in a further 38 businesses receiving cosmetic improvements. As part of the wider local regeneration activity on the road, a number of vacant sites were identified and council worked along with local stakeholders, statutory partners and council departments to address the issues presented by the underutilised areas.  As part of this scoping work, a key site at the junction of Templemore Avenue and Newtownards Road was identified and hoarding installed to improve the corner.


2.11     2014/15 (Lisburn Road/ Castlereagh Road)


            Since approval in February 2012, work has continued on the development of plans for the agreed target areas. Extensive scoping and engagement work with relevant statutory and community contacts, including elected representatives for the area was carried out as part of the plan development process.


2.12     The proposed plans for Lisburn Road and Castlreagh Road also identify a longer list of additional projects that could form the basis for further work should increased resources become available (through external sources currently being actively pursued with potential project partners) or modifications are required for existing plans.


2.13     The key common themes emerging from the scoping work with local Councillors and stakeholders were identified as:


-       Environmental improvements - major issues facing the routes are dereliction or under used property and often poor general environments; requiring action to ensure improvements that can complement other developments;

-       Heritage – the roads contain elements of historical or cultural significance that offer the opportunity to develop these local assets through architectural lighting, interpretive signage and heritage projects;

-       Commercial improvements – focus areas have been identified along the routes; the areas are hubs of activity with local shops, services and facilities serving the community.  The commercial improvements will focus on improving the environment within these areas for residents, businesses and visitors;

-       Environmental management works - Targeted and sustained clean-up and graffiti removal campaigns working with local groups;

-       Collaborative and partnership work - essential in maximising finite budgets, particularly with a joined-up approach to external funding opportunities with statutory agencies.  The underlying objective is to maximise the impact of the Council’s own contribution through internal joint working and external partnership opportunities alongside community safety, parks and leisure, economic development, building control, tourism and the arts and cleansing services.


3             Recommendations


·        To note the progress re: the DSD funded local regeneration programme on Lower Ormeau Road incorporating Cromac Street and on Newtownards Road; and

·        Endorse the Action Plans for the 2013/15 programme on Lisburn Road (Bradbury Place to Tates Avenue) and Castlereagh Road (Beersbridge Road to Grand Parade/Ladas Drive).”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: