Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1     Key Issues


1.1    In line with the vision of the Cultural Framework, Belfast City Council has developed the initiative ‘Get Belfast Reading’ to help attract audiences, inspire communities, and strengthen the local cultural sector.  The main aims are to:


-       increase awareness of and engagement in reading based activities

-       stimulate the use of books and literature

-       break down barriers to reading

-       encourage attendance at literary events

-       build awareness of local writing talent and literary heritage, and

-       enhance literacy levels for all ages across the city


         Get Belfast Reading will contribute to achieving targets in the Cultural Framework and benefits of the initiative will include:


-       improved health and wellbeing

-       enhanced quality of life through social interaction and pleasure

-       educational benefits and longer term economic benefits

-       events and visual elements have positive impacts on perception of the city – local, national, international


1.2    The initiative has been developed by Belfast City Council in consultation with relevant stakeholders including Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Libraries NI, Verbal Arts Centre, BookTrust, Linen Hall Library, the Reader Organisation, and the Read On, Get On campaign. The focus of the initiative is to encourage participation across the city and focus work where there is currently limited provision.


1.3    Belfast Book Boxes


         A minimum of 15 Belfast Book Boxes will be created and installed at key community access points across the city (at least five outdoor and 10 indoor).  They will be designed by an artist working within the community.  ‘Book boxes’ is an established model that has been rolled out in other cities across the world, but this would be the first initiative in Northern Ireland.  

1.4    The call to action is ‘take a book, read a book, return a book’.  The aim is to stimulate an interest in books, increase access to reading material in areas far from libraries, and improve social cohesion and a sense of community.  The book boxes will be promoted with events and programmes such as the ‘One City, One Book’ initiative.   In addition to books, each box will also include information about local events and resources such as library, community, and arts centre activities. 


1.5    Shared Reading Initiative


         A number of shared reading groups will be established across the city.  The call to action will be to make reading enjoyable, building the confidence, self-esteem and reading ability of all age groups with a focus on hard to reach groups.  Key to this will be to train volunteer reading coaches in a high quality model of shared reading, in order to effectively engage new readers and audiences.


1.6    A number of community based ‘reading rooms’ have already been established in Belfast, led by Verbal Arts Centre. Libraries NI also have an active reader development programme.  Interest in these has been strong and has attracted new participants and stimulated them to read (often Belfast focused) literature and be more confident in expressing themselves and sharing their stories. Groups meet in diverse and accessible venues including community centres, libraries, hospitals and arts centres. To date ad hoc approaches have been made by organisations seeking financial support from Council and there is demand for more groups to be established across the city. There is also a waiting list of volunteers who wish to become trained reading coaches. Get Belfast Reading would give structured support to help establish and maintain a number of reading rooms across the city.


         Literary Belfast Resources


         This strand will update and increase the accessibility of existing Literary Belfast resources to help raise awareness and knowledge for locals and visitors.  This will include reanimation of the Belfast Writers app; an update of web resources; further promotion of the exhibition; and renewal of on-street visuals.



2       Resource Implications


2.1    Financial


         A budget of £15,000 is included in the TCA unit’s 2014/2015 budget. In kind support will be provided by stakeholders.


3       Equality and Good Relations Considerations


3.1   An equality impact assessment for the project will be carried out to ensure all areas of the city have the opportunity to benefit.”


            The Committee agreed to allocate a sum of £15,000 to oversee the initiative, provision for which had been included within the Department’s revenue estimates.


Supporting documents: