Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, during the shadow period, Belfast was operating under two separate governance structures – the current Belfast City Council which would cease to operate on 1st April 2015 and the Belfast District Council (Shadow) which was responsible for preparing the new organisation and would take full responsibility for the Council on 1st April 2015.  It was important that both structures worked together and therefore the following reports which have been presented to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on Friday, 26th October, had been circulated for notation:


·         Financial Reporting – Quarter 1

·         Quarter 1 Capital Programme Update

·         Social Investment Fund Update

·         Interim Office Accommodation

·         ERDF Capital Projects – Waterfront Hall Conference and Exhibition Centre and Forthriver Innovation Centre

·         Minutes of the meetings of the Budget and Transformation Panel

·         Council Chamber Seating Arrangements


            The Chief Executive reported that all of the recommendations contained in the reports had been agreed by the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.  In respect of the Council Chamber Seating arrangements, the Committee had agreed to support Option C, which was to cancel proposed alterations to seating and agree to use the existing seating.




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