The Committee considered the undernoted report:
“Relevant Background Information
Members will recall that the present alcohol bye-laws regarding the consumption of intoxicating liquor were made by Belfast City Council on 1st February, 2007 and came into operation on 12th September, 2007. Since this date, there have been numerous requests submitted for further streets and other areas to be considered for inclusion in the schedule to the bye laws.
At Health and Environmental Services Committee on 12th April 2010, the Committee agreed to undertake a review of the streets and areas designated currently within the bye-laws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol in designated streets.
Since this date the following groups and individuals have been consulted:
· Various community groups / general public
· BCC Party Group Leaders
· DPP Members
· BCC Community Safety Team
· BCC Policy Officers Group
· Parks and Leisure (BCC)
· CSP Strategic Tier (Members include Northern Ireland Housing Executive, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Department of Justice- Community Safety Unit, Translink, Belfast City Centre Management, NI Fire and Rescue, Youth Justice Agency, NIACRO, Belfast Education and Library Board, PBNI, Victim Support, NI Ambulance Service, NI Alternatives and Belfast Regeneration Office)
Key Issues
Further to this consultation, details of the proposed additional streets to be added to the bye laws are set out in the attached appendix.
Members may wish to note areas of private land to be included within the alcohol bye laws. These areas have been suggested by the PSNI and permission has been sought from the land owners. This will allow the PSNI to enforce the alcohol bye laws in respect of over 18 year olds detected drinking intoxicating liquor on these pieces of designated, private land.
Once the Committee has agreed the additional streets and areas as set out in the appendix, the proposed updated bye laws will be sent to Belfast City Council’s legal services section who will submit the draft bye laws to the Department for Social Development (DSD) for preliminary approval. If DSD suggest any amendments, these have to be agreed via the Committee.
Once there is a preliminary agreement with DSD, a report outlining the new draft bye laws, incorporating the additional streets, will then be put before the Committee for adoption and the statutory process for making the bye laws followed, ie:
· A formal Resolution is moved at a full Council meeting;
· A Public Notice is inserted in the press;
· After one month from the date of the notice, an application is made to the DSD for confirmation of the bye laws; and
· The by-laws come into effect.
Resource Implications
A public notice is to be placed in local press regarding the making of the new bye laws. The cost is estimated at £1200 based on previous similar sized notices and will be accommodated within existing revenue estimates.
There will also be costs associated with the purchase and erection of ‘alcohol free zone’ signs in the areas which are newly designated. Again, these costs have been included within the 2010/2011 revenue estimates.
1. To consider and approve streets and areas listed in the attached appendix as additional areas to be included within the bye laws regarding consumption of intoxicating liquor in designated places.
2. To authorise the preparation of draft bye-laws and the submission of these to the DSD for approval.
DPP – District Policing Partnership
CSP – Community Safety Partnership
PSNI– Police Service of Northern Ireland
PBNI– Probation Board for Northern Ireland
Document Attached
Additional areas requested for inclusion within Alcohol Bye?Laws.
Streets and Areas to be Considered for Designation
Ardglen Place (Ardoyne)
Ardoyne Avenue
Arosa Crescent
Bootles Hill
Brompton Park
Brookfield Walk (Ardoyne)
Brougham Street
Butler Walk
Butler Place
Cairnmartin Road
Castleton Avenue
Clifton Courtyard, Oldpark Road
Duncairn Parade
Flax Street
Forthriver Crescent (school grounds are designated but not
the remainder of the street).
Garmoyle Street
Glencairn Way
Havana Court
Havana Walk
Havana Way
Jamaica Court
Jamaica Road
Jamaica Street
Jamaica Way
Kingston Court
Legann Street
Lothair Avenue
Mountainhill Road
Rutherglen Street
Stanhope Street
St James’ Mews
Somerdale Park
City Way
Kimberly Drive
Lavina Square and Mews, Lower Ormeau
Ardgowan Street
Bloomfield Parade
Dromore Street
Elmgrove Manor
Elmgrove Road
Euston Parade
Flush Park
Glendower Street
Halcombe Street
Hillsborough Gardens
Knockdene Park South
Lawnmount Street
Maschona Court
Oberon Street
Orangefield Road
Rathmore Street
Reid Street
Sydenham Avenue
Tildarg Street
Titania Street
Willowholme Street
Ardmonagh Way
Avoca Court
Bellfield Estate
Cairns Street
Coolnasilla Avenue
Coolnasilla Close
Coolnasilla Drive
CoolnasillaPark North, South and East
Creeslough Walk
Downfine Walk
Glenveagh Drive
Glenties Drive
Gortnamonagh Court
Gortnamonagh Place
Gortnamonagh Rise
Gortnamonagh View
Gortnamonagh Way
Hillhead Avenue
Lenadoon Walk
Maple Villas, 2 Sliabh Dubh View
Milltown Cemetery
Monagh Grove
Moyard Crescent
Norfolk Way
Norglen Road
SliabhDubh View
Springfield Mill, Springfield Road
St Peters Square North
Ross Mill Avenue
Ross Mill Court
Tildarg Avenue
Twaddell Avenue
Upper Suffolk Road
Verefoster Walk
Woodbourne Crescent
Leisure Centres:
Grounds and car parks of;
Andersonstown Leisure Centre
Avoneil Leisure Centre
Ballysillan Leisure Centre
Ozone Complex
Grove Wellbeing Centre
Loughside Recreation
Olympia Leisure Centre
Shankill Leisure Centre
Whiterock Leisure Centre
Multi Sports Complex (Blythefield) Blythe Street
Open Spaces
Britanica Open Space (off Sandy Row)
Cooke Street
Whiterock Road (space at right hand side when driving into
Whiterock Leisure Centre grounds.
Eversleigh Street
Grampian Avenue
Navarra, Ballyroney Hill
Nubia Street
Stewart Street
Enclosed Parks
Mary Peters Track
Balmoral Industrial Estate
Bank Square
Giants Park
Grounds of BelfastCity Hospital
Grounds of Learning and Development Centre, East Bridge Street
Grounds of MaterInfirmorum Hospital
Grounds of RoyalVictoria Hospital
Walkway that runs through the Con O'Neill Park with entrances
on the Beersbridge Road and Abetta Parade.
Writers Square
Yorkgate Railway Station”
After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations and agreed that a letter be forwarded to the Department for Social Development requesting that all areas throughout the City be designated as places prohibiting the consumption of alcohol.
Supporting documents: