Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 4th June 2014, it had agreed to receive at a future meeting a presentation on the Empty Homes Strategy.  It was reported that Ms. Elma Newberry, Assistant Director of Land and Regeneration, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, together with Mr. John McManus from the Housing Executive’s Empty Homes Unit, were in attendance and they were welcomed to the meeting.


            Ms. Newberry provided a brief overview of the Empty Homes Strategy, which was being delivered by the Department of Social Development in partnership with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, which sought to raise awareness of empty homes within the public domain.  She drew the Committee’s attention to an Implementation Plan which had been formulated, the aims of which were primarily to develop an empty homes website for reporting purposes, to target 120 empty homes per year, to develop incentive programmes such as ‘Repair and Lease’ and ‘Match-maker’ schemes, and examine the enforcement process.  She highlighted the fact that, as of 31st December, 2014, 484 homes within Belfast had been reported to the Housing Executive as being vacant and provided a breakdown of that figure on an area basis, details of which would be forwarded to Members in terms of specific streets.


            During discussion, a Member raised the issue of unoccupied homes which had been causing a nuisance to neighbouring properties, by way of, for example, an overgrown garden or dampness, but which were not classified as being dangerous structures.  The Head of Building Control advised that, under current legislation, the Council had limited powers in order to deal with such properties.  Ms. Newberry explained that Empty Dwelling Management Orders had been introduced in England, but research had shown that they had been generally ineffective in addressing such complaints.  She pointed out that important legislation was due to come into effect in Northern Ireland in September, 2015, which would allow for data-sharing between Land and Property Services and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, which would enable the Housing Executive to access ownership details for vacant properties more easily, thereby expediting the process of enforcement.


            A further Member expressed concern at the low uptake from Housing Associations in purchasing vacant properties to repair and let.  Ms. Newberry explained that that had been due largely to the fact that most vacant properties were spread across the City, thereby creating significantly higher maintenance costs for Housing Associations.  She stated also that Housing Associations generally favoured newly built developments as a more cost effective option.


            A Member suggested that research be undertaken into more innovative ideas, such as “property guardianship” which was currently being used in parts of England, in order to restore empty properties to use.  That initiative sought to encourage owners to rent their properties to suitable tenants at a reduced cost.  In turn, the owner would have the benefit of a tenant residing in the property, thereby deterring squatters, vandalism and general deterioration, whilst the tenant would have the use of a house at a lower rent.  Ms. Newberry and Mr. McManus were thanked for their presentation and left the meeting.


            After discussion, the Committee noted the information which had been provided and agreed that a report be submitted to a future meeting detailing innovative initiatives for restoring empty homes to use, including property guardianship, and examples of best practice which had been implemented in other local authorities.