Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 13th November, 2008, it had received a presentation from representatives of the Ulster Sports Museum Association in relation to the development of an Ulster Sports Museum at the Old Museum building located at College Square North.  The Director reported that, for various reasons, the Association had been unable to proceed with the establishment of the Museum at that site.  However, the organisation had continued to expand its plans to develop a permanent Museum by 2012 and had advertised to identify those potential partners which would be interested in hosting the museum.  Accordingly, Bangor, Belfast and Newtownabbey had been selected as the preferred locations for the Museum and, in relation to Belfast site, the Association had proposed locating the facility at the former Bank of Ireland building at Royal Avenue.


            The Director reported that consultants had been appointed to assess the feasibility of the location and the Association had outlined the possible arrangements for developing the Museum as follows:


(i)      the host City or Town would meet the capital costs of providing the premises and would then lease them back to the Association;


(ii)     the Association meet the costs of fitting out and running the Museum; and


(iii)    the relevant District Council would make an annual grant to the Association to cover the leasing and other costs.


            The Committee was advised that Council officers had met with representatives of the Association to discuss their proposals for locating the Sports Museum within the City and that, at this stage, it was unclear whether the former Bank of Ireland building would be suitable.  It would therefore be necessary for the feasibility study to be completed.


            The Director pointed out that, given the current economic situation, finding additional funding in the 2011/2012 financial year to support the leasing costs of the building would be unlikely and any costs would be recurrent on an annual basis. 

The Association had been encouraged to look at alternative sources of funding for the project.  He reported that, should the current process in which the Association was engaged not prove successful, it would revisit its options for the development of the Museum.


            The Director then drew the Committee’s attention to correspondence which had been received from Mr. R. Spence, Chairman, Ulster Sports Museum, requesting that the Council provide an indication, in principle, if it would consider becoming involved in a partnership arrangement.  At this stage, it was not possible to accurately determine the annual leasing costs for the preferred Belfast site.  However, based on initial discussions with the Association, costs could be in the region of £80,000 to £120,000 per year, provision for which had not be made within the draft 2011/2012 Revenue Estimates.  Accordingly, he recommended that the Committee agree to continue to support the concept of an Ulster Sports Museum but indicate to the Association that it would not be possible currently to make a financial contribution to the project.


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation and agreed to assist the Association to pursue other funding options.


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