Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Purpose of the Report


      To propose revised security arrangements at Wilmont House and the Stables, both located at Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park.


Relevant Background Information


      Concerns have been raised about the associated cost of the proposed CCTV system previously recommended to Committee in 2009 and its possible effectiveness to adequately tackle the main identified risks to Wilmont House and the Stables which are:


·         arson through malicious intent or negligence by intruders;

·         burglary;

·         theft; and

·         criminal damage.


      The Security Manager has identified other works which are needed and another option for improving the security of these buildings which may be more effective than the proposed CCTV system.


      The physical security of the building is currently being improved by minor building works on existing features and improvements to doors and windows.  A recent survey at Wilmont House identified that the intruder and fire alarms must be upgraded and the fire alarm extended to include the annex.


Key Issues


      The Security Manager has reviewed the risks to the Stables and Wilmont House and identified 3 options for the provision of security at Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park:


Option 1.     Leave the present on site security arrangements in place i.e. a security officer on duty on site Monday to Friday 1900 – 0700 and 24 hours at weekends.  This option is expensive but provides on site cover after grounds staff leave the site to provide an immediate response to any intrusions.  The cost is estimated at £46,444 per annum.


Option 2.     Remove the security guard and install the proposed CCTV system as recommended by Committee in 2009.  This option leaves the building on this relatively isolated site relying on a quick response to alarms as no one will be based on the site at the most vulnerable times. 

The capital outlay is expensive, the camera images would be expensive to transmit and the resource for 24 hour monitoring is not available. The initial outlay cost is £103,500 with an estimated maintenance cost of £10,000 per annum.


Option 3.     Reduce the manned guarding hours by approximately 45% focusing on a guard being present at higher risk times e.g. in the summer when young people are about in the clear nights.  A small local CCTV system at Wilmont House would need to be installed to cover the front and rear doors. 


      In the summer months from 1 April – 30 September security cover would be provided during the week from 19.00-03.00, on Saturdays 16.00 – 04.00 and Sundays 1600 – 0300.  In the winter months during the week from 19.00 – 0.300, on Saturdays 1600 ? 0300 and Sundays 16.00 – 02.00.  The cost of the small CCTV improvements recommended are estimated at £8,500 and the security cover would be approximately £25,287 per annum.


Resource Implications




      It has been identified that the fire and intruder alarm system must be upgraded at Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park to bring it up to an appropriate standard to protect the Council assets at an estimated cost of £26,000.  In addition:


Option 1     Cost of security staff, full time - £46,444.00 per annum.


Option 2.    Initial costs of security system - £103,500.00

                    Annual rental cost of fibre link - £10,000.00 per annum.


Option 3.    Initial cost of small CCTV system - £8,000.00

                    Cost of reduced security staff – £25,287.00 per annum.

                    Giving an annual saving of £21,157.00.


      This would represent an annual saving on security manning of £21,157.00 over the levels proposed in Option 1 and only an additional running cost per annum of £11,157.00


      All of the costs listed above exclude VAT.  A budget has been allocated to undertake the works as approved by Committee of £95,000 in this financial year.


      Human Resources


      There are no additional human resource implications at this time.




      The installation of improved CCTV, intruder and fire alarm systems will provide a safeguard to these isolated buildings.


      This option would present a detriment to network performance when transmitting a high volume of images over the corporate network.




      It is recommended that the Committee agrees to Option 3 reducing the manned guarding hours by approximately 45% focusing on a guard being present at higher risk times and the installation of a small local CCTV system at Wilmont House to cover the front and rear doors.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: