Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      At its meeting on 10 December 2009 the Parks and Leisure Committee approved the renewal of a lease on the former Elderly Men’s shelter at Ormeau Park, to Marian Hunter, for use as a private sector Playgroup Centre.  A 5 year agreement at £2,940 per annum was subsequently drawn up and completed on 18 March 2010.  On account of the accumulation of some previous arrears the tenant requested that the new lease provide for monthly rental payments.  This was duly done and all payments are currently up to date.  All previous arrears were cleared immediately prior to commencement of the new lease.


      The above mentioned tenant, Marian Hunter, has recently approached the Council for temporary use of the Ormeau Park Bowling Pavilion.  Use is envisaged from 8.30am to 1.30pm, three days per week, until the end of March 2011.  The need for additional accommodation has arisen due to increased numbers of children seeking places with the playgroup.  In addition a nearby church hall which will provide the necessary overflow accommodation is currently undergoing upgrade work to facilitate the playgroup.  It is envisaged the church hall will be available for occupation early in the New Year.


      Marian Hunter’s use will include the Main Club Room and ancillary kitchen facilities plus the Ladies Toilet area.  All these areas will be cleared at the end of each session.  A small, partly enclosed ‘office’ area will be used for the storage of equipment at all times during the period of the Licence.


      Pedestrian access to the building will be via the route shown shaded blue on the attached map.  The gate on Park Road which leads to this area will be opened and closed by Parks staff before commencement and the end of each session.


      Given the urgent need of the playgroup the Director of Parks and Leisure has agreed an interim arrangement under delegated authority pending a formal agreement from Committee.


Key Issues


      Use of Ormeau Park Bowling Pavilion has been requested by a private sector playgroup for three mornings per week for the period up to the end of March 2011.  Use is to be regulated by a Licence Agreement and subject to an agreed fee of £110 per week, payable in advance, to include the costs of heating and lighting.  The Council’s Fire Safety Officer and Insurance Officer are content that the building is adequate for the intended purpose, however responsibility for compliance with all necessary regulations governing child care arrangements will remain the responsibility of the Licensee (Marian Hunter).


Resource Implications




      Modest financial receipt for limited period.  No Council expenditure required to make the building suitable for purpose.


      Human Resources


      No additional human resources required although Parks personnel will be required to open up and close up the building and the access gates from Park Road on the three days per week the building will be used by the Playgroup.


      Asset and Other Implications


      Regulation of the occupation by way of a Licence Agreement will protect the Council’s property asset.




      Committee is recommended to approve the grant of a Licence Agreement to Marian Hunter, for use as a Playgroup Centre three mornings per week until the end of March 2011, subject to the payment of a monthly Licence Fee of £110 per week, with detailed terms to be incorporated in a legal agreement to be drawn up by the Town Solicitor and Assistant Chief Executive and the approval of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in accordance with Standing Orders 46 and 60.


Decision Tracking


      Director of Parks and Leisure to liaise with the Director of Property and Projects with a view to obtaining the approval of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in the October 2010 Committee cycle.”


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation, subject to the Licence Agreement operating no later than 31st March, 2011.


Supporting documents: