Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“Relevant Background Information


      The Council has received a request from a Mr Alan Gibson, on behalf of a non-denominational Christian group, who would like to hire the Ormeau Bowling Pavilion each Wednesday evening (7.15pm to 9.15pm) commencing 19 January 2011 to 13 April 2011 (inclusive) for a series of gospel meetings.


Key Issues


      The group’s use will include the main hall, reception and toilet areas.  Access to the building will be via the pedestrian gate on Park Road which would be opened and closed by Parks staff before commencement and the end of each hire period.  The event is anticipated to attract an estimated number of between eighty to one hundred people each week.


      The group has requested permission to use a small public address system to accommodate a keyboard piano for music and singing.  Mr Gibson has confirmed there would be no charge or fee or collection of money at the gospel meetings.  No food or catering is required.


      Banners advertising the gospel meetings would not be placed outside or around Council property; however Mr Gibson wishes to hand out invitation cards outside the park.


      As with all events, but particularly because of the ‘evening‘ element to this event, it is essential that health and safety issues are addressed through the preparation of an event management plan by the event organisers to the satisfaction of Council Officers and the Police Service of NI.  The Council’s Fire Safety Officer is content that the building is adequate for the intended purpose.  This event is subject to legal license agreement, Public Liability insurance and event management plan including completion of appropriate risk assessments.


      In order to meet the obligations set out within Disability Discrimination Act, the side gate into the bowling green area will need to be opened by Parks staff (on request) to facilitate wheelchair users.


      There is nothing within current legislation to prevent use of Council premises for religious activity as long as there is no breach of Section 76 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.


Resource Implications




      There would be a hire charge for the period of hire in line with Council Policy.


      Human Resources


      Parks staff cover will be required for this event (Park Attendant) involving 3 x hours overtime each Wednesday evening, to open and close up the building and the access gates from the Park Road.


      Asset and Other Implications






      It is recommended that permission is granted for this subject to satisfactory terms being agreed with the Director of Parks and Leisure and on condition that:


i.      the event organisers resolve all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;


ii.     an appropriate legal agreement, to be prepared by the Director of Legal Services, is completed;


iii.    the event organisers meet all statutory requirements; and


iv.    an agreement is reached regarding the charge for use of the facility which will cover the Department’s costs and the agreed hire charge.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: