Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


Purpose of Report


      The purpose of this report is to establish a position regarding the future potential development of the Gate Lodge at the City Cemetery. 


Relevant Background Information


      Committee is being asked to consider the terms of a Development Brief for the rejuvenation of the Council’s Gate Lodge which lies at the edge of the City Cemetery and fronts on to the Whiterock Road opposite Britton’s Parade.  The development of the building has been considered and discussed on several occasions.  It had also been previously exposed to the market by way of a Development Brief.  One of the key elements of the previous Brief was that the project should focus on the historical significance of the City Cemetery and the genealogy of the area.


      The successful proposal at that time was from the Whiterock/Westrock Residents’ Association.  Unfortunately the Association was unable to finalise the arrangement and the former Head of Parks and Cemeteries Services reported this to the former


Community and Recreation (Parks and Cemeteries Services) Sub?Committee on 28 November 2005.  The Sub-Committee at that time also agreed the preparation of an amended Development Brief

which would have as its principal objective the restoration of the Gate Lodge in a sensitive manner which respected the nature of the immediate surroundings.  While this allowed submission of proposals focussing on the historical significance of the City Cemetery and the genealogy of the area, it allowed for consideration of a wider range of proposals and types of appropriate development.


      Following a further interim report to Committee a revised Development Brief was brought to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.  Following representations from a Member the Committee determined to refer the matter back to the Parks and Leisure Committee for further consideration. 


      The attached revised draft Development Brief is now being presented to Members for consideration.  This seeks to preserve the flexibility incorporated in the 2008 proposal but leaves the way open for interaction (if required) between the proposed development and the Cemetery.  This could include uses which focus on historical and genealogical elements.


Key Issues


      The issues for Committee to consider are:


·         This issue has been under consideration for a significant period of time without significant progress;

·         The revised Development Brief aims to address previous concerns regarding restoration of the Gate lodge (Fox’s Lodge) while preserving flexibility of potential use so as to attract maximum interest in the property;

·         The current difficulties in the property market and a potential squeeze on grant aid make appropriate timing of release of the Development Brief to the market, difficult to judge. 




      The Committee has several options:


Option 1 is to issue a revised development brief in line with appendix 3;

Option 2 is to amend the draft brief outlined

Option 3 is to instruct Officers not to issue a brief at this time owing to market conditions; and

Option 4 is to instruct Officers to have the building de-listed and demolished which would have an associated cost.



Resource Implications




      Disposal of the Gate Lodge, on lease, may raise an annual rent or a capital sum.  This could generate possible income which would be set by Estates.


      Human Resources


      No need for additional human resources has been identified at this time.


      Asset and Other Implications


      This former dwelling and the immediately adjoining lands are unused by the Council and have fallen into extreme disrepair.  The aim of the disposal is to enable the capital investment in the property by outside funders (private and/or public sector).  The investment should in turn have a positive social and economic impact upon the surrounding area.


Equality and Good Relations Implications






      It is recommended that the Committee approve the contents of a revised Development Brief and reference to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee in accordance with Standing Order 46 for further approval prior to future marketing of the property.  Further reference to Parks and Leisure Committee and subsequently Strategic Policy and Resources Committee would follow receipt and evaluation of any proposals submitted in response to the Brief.


Decision Tracking


      Director of Parks and Leisure to liaise with the Director of Property and Projects to ensure reference to Strategic Policy and Resources Committee within three months of this Committee.”


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: