Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1. Relevant Background Information


      In June 2010 a letter was received on behalf of Grove United requesting permission to install an anti vandal proof cabin at Shore Road Playing Facilities.  Grove United have a facility management agreement for the playing and changing facilities, and have established a close relationship with Malachions who are the other main user of the playing fields.


      The request for the cabin is to provide hospitality for visiting teams, many of which come from elsewhere in the province.  It is proposed by the Club that the cabin would provide a social area for tea and sandwiches after matches.


      The application was originally to be considered in the container report however as the use of the facility is for hospitality and not storage it has been submitted separately.


2.   Key Issues


      To date the Council has not granted permission for Clubs or groups to install facilities to provide hospitality on site for visiting sports teams or their members.  Approval for this facility will create a precedent and more such structures may be requested across all sites.


      Shore Road Playing Fields has already a pavilion and additional changing facility structure, which has temporary planning permission to May 2012.  This structure would be a third building unit on this small site.  In November 2010 Grove United and Malachions were given approval to submit within 6 months a detailed proposal for the development of Shore Road Playing Fields.


      The existing facility management agreement with the Club ends in July 2012.  The pitches strategy currently being developed should address the future of facility management arrangements and facility provision. 


      The site proposed for the installation of this cabin, is adjacent to the car park of the Metropolitan Church which is owned by the City Council and is part of the Corporate land bank.


      The anti vandal proof cabin will require the installation of electricity, hot and cold running water.  Planning permission and other necessary approvals will need to be sought by the Club.  Access to the facility for utilities, users and service purposes must avoid the car park area and be along the back of the pitches via the main entrance to the playing fields and the old pavilion.  


      The Council will need to supervise the use of such facilities during and after hours to ensure that no inappropriate use is taking place. 


3.   Resource Implications


      The Club are proposing to hire and install the cabin at their own expense, paying for the cabin to be linked to utilities and for any required statutory and legal approvals.


      There will be some additional resources needed to monitor the use of the facility and in drawing up the necessary licence agreement.


4. Equality Implications


      There are no adverse equality or good relations issues.


5. Recommendations


      Committee is asked to consider 2 options.


Option 1: To refuse permission for the installation of an anti-vandal cabin at Shore Road Playing Fields for hospitality purposes.  The reasons are –


·         it will create a precedent across all sites to approve accommodation for hospitality reasons.

·         Planning and necessary statutory permissions will be needed. 

·         the existing facilities management agreement ends in July 2012 and the pitches strategy which is being developed will review their future direction.

·         provision of facilities on the site as a whole needs to be reviewed and must take account of the possible approval of the development the Clubs are proposing to bring back to Committee in approximately 6 months.


Option 2;  To grant permission for the installation of an anti-vandal proof cabin for hospitality purposes by Grove United at Shore Road Playing Fields.  Subject to the Club –


·         paying for all the associated installation, management and maintenance costs.

·         applying for and abiding by all planning and statutory approvals

·         the drawing up of an appropriate legal agreement to the satisfaction of the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor.


      Approval of the proposal to grant a license to install this cabin will also need to be referred for authorisation to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee under standing orders 46 and 60. 


6. Decision Tracking


      The PrincipalParks and Cemeteries Service Manager will draw up a licence agreement with the Club, if required.  This will be undertaken once the necessary approvals have been received.”


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to adopt option 2 contained within the report. 


Supporting documents: