Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1          Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Committee is asked to note that the council has received a request for the use of Botanic Gardens for two events on the Great Lawn from Connie Cunningham, Cunningham Events.  Both events would offer food and music entertainment with the public being charged fees to gain admission.


            The proposed events are as follows:


Belfast Sizzle


1.   Event date 27 – 30 May 2011, with hours of operation 1.00pm to 10.00pm daily


2.   Total proposed duration of event to include set up and take down would be 7 days on location.


3.   Potential audience size over four days in the region of 10,000.


            As stated by Cunningham Events, ‘Belfast Sizzle is new to Northern Ireland's summer celebratory calendar; this exciting event features a line-up of top local chefs who will present summer barbecue favourites and 'cool summer sides'. Along with fabulous live musical entertainment...all in Belfast's most famous garden...this new event will be a great way to 'kick off' the summer!’


Belfast Taste and Music Fest


1.   Event date 4 – 7 August 2011 with hours of operation 1.00pm to 10.00pm daily


2.   Total proposed duration of event to include set up and take down would be 9 days on location.


3.   Potential total audience size over four days in the region of 15,000


            As stated by Cunningham Events, ‘With four glorious days of fabulous food and entertainment, this annual event has earned its mark as Northern Ireland's premier summer blockbuster.  Its boulevard of top local chefs will tantalize the taste buds with dozens of 'signature' recipes.  With a full stage of live musical entertainment, this event is a 'must' for 'foodies' and music lovers of all ages!’


            Statistics are provided by Cunningham Events from the Belfast Taste and Music Fest in 2010.


2.         Key Issues


2.1       The key issues for the committee to note are:


1.   The council wishes to promote the use of its parks and open spaces and where appropriate will permit the use of these facilities for events;


2.   The event organiser is aware of the need for the payment of a bond of intent which must be completed prior to written confirmation that the venue shall be available;


3.   The event would be subject to the preparation of an event management plan which would cover all aspects of management including health and safety and access.


4.   The events should generally permit access to Botanic Gardens for all users.


5.   The event promoter shall consult with all local communities and adjacent organisations.


2.2       Cost implications for the event organiser are as follows:


            For the Belfast Sizzle:


1.   a bond of intent to the value of £300 to be paid within 28 days of request; and


2.   a fee of £2,500 to be paid within 28 days of request.


            For the Belfast Taste and Music Fest:


3.   a bond of intent to the value of £600 to be paid within 28 days of request; and


4.   a fee of £5,400 to be paid within 28 days of request.


            With respect to both events


5.   a reinstatement bond of £3,000 to be paid for each event within 28 days of request


6.   an appropriate legal agreement prepared by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor is completed;


7.   the event organiser meets all statutory requirements including entertainment licensing; and


8.   all fees and Bonds must be paid before any event takes place.


2.3       Connie Cunningham, the events organiser, has written to committee and the Director of Parks and Leisure to request that the event fees as stated in points 2 and 4 totalling £7,900 are waived.  This is on the basis of the history of the Taste and Music event and its considerable benefit to the city; the scale of cost in delivering the events against a low profit margin which would risk their viability.


3.         Resource Implications


3.1       Financial


            The fees with bonds of intent and reinstatement identified in section 2 are intended to cover all costs incurred by the council.


3.2       Human Resources


            There may be overtime required by staff to assist with the management of the proposed event which would be met from the fee charged.


3.3       Asset and Other Implications


            The Promoter shall ensure minimal impact on council property.


4.         Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.1       There are no equality implications.


5.         Recommendations


5.1       It is recommended that the committee accede to the two requests to hold the events as outlined above, subject to satisfactory terms in line with the above being agreed with the Director of Parks and Leisure and the event organiser meeting the council’s operational requirements and complying with all statutory requirements.


            Committee is asked for direction on the request to waive the event fees totalling £7,900.


6.         Decision Tracking


            The Park Manager will ensure that all actions are completed by the end of August 2010.”


            After discussion, it was


Moved by Councillor McCabe,

Seconded by Councillor Mallon,


      That the Committee agrees to accede to the request to hold both events at the Botanic gardens but not to waive the associated event fees.


            On a vote by show of hands four Members voted for the proposal and six against and it was accordingly declared lost.


Further Proposal


Moved by the Deputy Lord Mayor (Councillor Humphrey),

Seconded by Councillor McKenzie,


      That the Committee agrees to accede to the request to hold both events at the Botanic Gardens but that, should a profit be made from the holding of both events, an appropriate clawback be recouped from the organisers.


            On a vote by show of hands six Members voted for the proposal and three against and it was accordingly declared carried.


Supporting documents: