Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.         Relevant Background Information


            The Committee is asked to note that the Council has received a request from Eglinton Presbyterian Church to hold a Christian Tent Easter Mission at Ballysillan Open Space.  The event will be attended by approximately 300 people from Monday 18th April 2011 through to Saturday 23rd April 2011. A programme of activities throughout the week will target primary school children, teenagers and adults.  The organiser intends to erect a 20 metres x 30 metres marquee for the main events along with a medium sized tent for counselling and prayer and enough port-a-loos to cope with the expected numbers.  There are no plans to prepare food, although weather permitting there may be a bar-be-que outside some evenings.


            The Committee is asked to note that the site periodically suffers from antisocial behaviour and any intention to use the space for a diversion to antisocial behaviour is welcomed.


2.         Key Issues


            Although the event runs from Monday to Saturday the organisers will occupy the site from Friday 15th April 2011 to begin set up and envisage that de-rig will be completed and the site vacated by Sunday 23rd April 2011.


            Car Parking


            This is a local event and given the time of year the organisers hope that most people will choose to walk to the event.  Car parking will be on the main Ballysillan Road, Kilcoole Park, Old Ballysillan Road and possibly in the grounds of the BoysModel School although not yet confirmed. 




            The organisers plan to hire a security firm to stay at the marquee each evening.  The PSNI will be notified of the event and any advice from them welcomed.




            Power will be provided via a silent generator.




            The organisers have engaged and consulted the local residents living adjacent to Ballysillan Open Space.  The organisers will ensure that the event does not cause a nuisance or inconvenience to the local residents and have confirmed in writing that no key objections to the event were recorded.


            Event Management


            The event organisers will complete the agreed event management plan. The organisers will also be required to resolve all operational, safety, statutory and reinstatement issues to the satisfaction of the council, entering in to an appropriate agreement based on advice from the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor.


3.         Resource Implications




            There are no financial implications for the Council.


            Human Resources


            There will be no human resource implications as the event will be set up, stewarded and de-rigged by the event organisers and a team of volunteers.


            The event organisers will carry out a daily litter pick and general tidy of the site and on completion of the event will leave the area as they found it.


            Asset and other implications


            It is anticipated that some damage to the grass areas will occur during the event from the marquee and the increase of footfall.  The proposed legal agreement and bond will guarantee that the site is suitably reinstated at the organiser’s expense if damage occurs.


4.         Equality Implications


            It is expected that there are no equality implications to run the event.


5.         Recommendations


            It is recommended that the committee grant authority for the Easter Mission to take place at Ballysillan Open Space from Friday 15th April 2011 to Sunday 23rd April 2011 subject to satisfactory terms being agreed by the Director of Parks and Leisure and on the condition that:


(i)     the event organisers resolve all operational issues to the council’s satisfaction;


(ii)    an appropriate legal agreement, to be prepared by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor, is completed; and


(iii)   and the event organisers meet all statutory requirements.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations contained within the report.


Supporting documents: