Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1          Relevant Background Information


            Members will be aware that funding of £370,000 was secured for Bridges Urban Sports Park under measure 2.1 of the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 2007-2013 (PEACE III). Additional funding was provided through the Brighter Belfast Landfill Tax Credits Scheme (£50,000) and Belfast City Council provided £80,000 through its Capital Build Programme


            Construction of the new park underneath the M3 Flyover at Nelson Street is now underway.  It is anticipated that the build phase will be completed around May 2011.  Due to timing difficulties experienced with beginning the construction phase, the project life cycle was originally extended by SEUPB to continue until January 2012.


            In January 2011 a request was made to the SEUPB to secure an extension of the project timeframe to June 2013 in order to achieve the two year performance objectives outlined in the funding letter of offer. A further £40,000 funding was sought in order to cover salary costs to enable the extension of the Urban Sports Development Officer (USDO) post to the end of the project.


            As highlighted in the previous committee report in December 2010 a Service Level Agreement (SLA) is being developed with BCC and No Limat/Belfast Urban Sports (BUS), to deliver a programme of sports development programmes, coaching and events.


2          Key Issues




            The Sports Development Officer (SDO) and BUS have been running taster sessions in the run up of the opening of the park to increase awareness and participation in the urban sports and will continue doing this until the park opens in 2011.


            No Limat/BUS has been in partnership with Belfast City Council from the very start of this project and we are now in a position to enter into a formal agreement to develop the use of park for the different sports involved. This agreement is being drawn up by the department in conjunction with our Legal Services.


                  USDO post


            At its meeting on 8 February 2011, the SEUPB Steering Committee considered the council’s request to extend the project timeframe and increase the funding award.  The Steering Committee agreed to extend the project timeframe to June 2013.


            The Steering Committee also agreed to fund 50% of the additional funding request, that is, £20,000 on the condition that BCC also contributes an addition £20,000 of matched funding.


3          Resource Implications




            SEUPB have agreed to fund £20,000, half the USDO salary for the duration of the extension of the Project. It is felt that without this post the performance targets to meet the funding requirements may not be met.  There is currently provision for this post in the 2011/12 revenue estimates and this would be extended to June 2013.


            The overall budget will be re-profiled on approval of the extension to ensure the performance objectives of the project are met and all eligible funding drawn down.


            The SLA agreement with No Limat/BUS will ensure that there is a full programme of activities at the park which will assist us with achieving the key performance indicators of the park and drawing down all eligible funding.


                  Human Resources


            If agreed by Committee, the USDO position will remain in the Parks and Leisure Department until June 2013.


                  Asset and Other Implications


            When completed, the urban sports park will be an addition to the departmental/council asset portfolio and the necessary maintenance budgets will be continued to be made in the financial estimates.  The SLA arrangements will also ensure that the park is appropriately used.


4          Equality and Good Relations Implications


            The Equality and Good Relations implication of this project are considered within the quarterly monitoring returns made to SEUPB as a condition of the funding.


5          Recommendations


            Members are asked to:


·         note the extension of the project life cycle;


·         agree to extend the post of USDO to June 2013 and provide the match funding salary contribution of £20,000 required by SEUPB for this post; and


·         agree to the SLA with No Limat/BUS subject to a legal agreement to be drawn up by Legal Services.


6          Key to Abbreviations


BCC       Belfast City Council

SDO       Sports Development Officer

BUS       Belfast Urban Sports

SEUPB–  Special EU Programmes Body

SLA        Service Level Agreement”


            The Committee agreed to adopt the recommendations contained within the report.


Supporting documents: