Agenda item


            The Director of Parks and Leisure reminded the Committee that the Suffolk Playing Fields were managed currently under a facilities management agreement by the Suffolk Football Club.  He pointed out that a total of five pitches were located at the site, two of which required refurbishment and draining works to be undertaken.  In addition, the future of the Playing Fields was under consideration currently within the draft playing pitches strategy as a location which could be utilised as a third generation facility.


            The Director stated that the Suffolk Football Club played a significant role within the community and supported and contributed to that community by making the best use of its resources.  In addition, the Club was keen to progress its own future development and play football at a higher level and, in order to support its aims, Club representatives had prepared preliminary development proposals which he outlined as follows:


(i)                 Phase 1 which relates to the refurbishment of one of the two unused pitches to bring it into use; the cost of this would be met through a grant of £30,700 from the Alpha programme, which is administered through Groundwork NI.  In addition, the club would, at its own expense, erect perimeter and spectator fencing and undertake additional work regarding access.  It should be noted that within the proposal the pitch would not be available for use until the start of the 2012/2013 season.  Members are also asked to note that it is the club’s proposal that the pitch, once playable, would be for the specific use of the Suffolk Football Club; and


(ii)               Phase 2 of the proposal relates to the construction of additional changing facilities on land adjacent to the pitch.  These would be in addition to the existing changing facilities and for use by the club and its opponent teams.  The provision of this facility would require significant external funding and a long term lease on the land.  In line with the terms and conditions of the funding body, it would also require the necessary statutory approvals, planning, building control etc.


            The Director reported that the Club had received conditional approval in respect of its application for funding to refurbish the pitch as outlined in respect of Phase 1 from Groundwork Northern Ireland.  However, the proposals in relation to Phase 2 were at a concept stage and no significant progress had been achieved in connection with either obtaining the necessary approvals or the sourcing of funding.  It was possible therefore, that the Club could request at a later stage the lease of land in order to facilitate the construction of additional changing facilities.


            The Director advised the Committee that the consultation on the Council’s draft playing pitches strategy had closed on 4th March and that Party Group briefings had been arranged to discuss the findings of the consultation and the prioritisation of sites for investment.  In addition, a special meeting of the Committee would be held on 21st March to consider proposals in connection with the operation of the first three years of the strategy.  He advised the Committee that it would be premature to make a decision regarding the request which had been received from the Club until after that meeting and he recommended accordingly.


            After discussion, the Committee agreed to accede to the request which had been received from the Club to refurbish one of the disused pitches at the Suffolk Playing Fields as outlined at Phase 1 of the proposal.



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