Agenda item


            The Director reported that a request had been received from CW Events Management in relation to the use of three Council venues as park and ride facilities in connection with the Royal British Legion’s 90th Anniversary Celebrations which would be held on 4th June.  The event organisers had requested the use of the top field at the Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park, all four soccer pitches at the Strangford Avenue Playing Fields and the gravel area at the Boucher Road Playing Fields.


            It was anticipated that the event would attract visitors from all over Ireland and the United Kingdom and be attended by approximately 20,000 people.  The organisers had indicated that, although funding had been obtained from the Royal British Legion, that funding would only cover the costs associated with the venue hire for the Balmoral Showgrounds, with surplus funds being allocated towards the Legions welfare work.  Ticket prices for the event would be approximately £5 per adult and £2.50 for concessions.


            The Director pointed out that, although the event would be held on 4th June, the organisers had indicated that it would be necessary to set up on 3rd June and it was envisaged that the sites would be vacated on 5th June.  The programme of events would commence at 2.00 p.m. and finish with a fireworks display at 10.30 p.m.  He stated that, should the Committee be minded to grant approval, there would be some potential impact on the use of the pitches at the Boucher Road.  However, should this be the case, alternative venues could be offered.  In addition, due to poor access into the top field at the Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park, its use would be subject to the approval of the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Traffic Section and any health and safety issues would be required to be resolved.  The organisers would be required to provide adequate lighting at all sites and to facilitate the safe dispersal of attendees.


            The Director indicated also that, due to the late finishing times, the planned pitch renovations which would be undertaken during June and the use of the site for the Balmoral Show, there were a number of concerns associated with the use of the Strangford Avenue Playing Fields.


            Accordingly, the Director recommended that the Committee:


(i)                  grant authority for the use of the Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park and the Boucher Road Playing Fields sites; and


(ii)                refuse the request for the use of Strangford Playing Fields on the basis that the site was located within a residential area and would, due to the late finishing times and the ongoing pitch renovations which would be undertaken during June, cause disruption.


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendations, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed by the Director of Parks and Leisure and on the condition that:


(i)                  the event organisers resolve all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;

(ii)                an appropriate legal agreement be prepared by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor; and

(iii)               the event organisers meeting all statutory requirements.


            In addition, the Committee agreed that the organisers be granted use of both sites free of charge.


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