Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1The Committee is reminded that they agreed previously on 9th December 2010 to the request for the use of Lower Botanic Gardens by PLM Promotions for a concert on 11th June, 2011, with an audience of approximately 20,000 people per day;


      It had been also noted that a scale of charges would apply and there was a possibility of a request from the same promoter for a second concert on 10th June, 2011.


      Mr Eddie Wray Rowan, Director of PLM Promotions has recently sent a letter of request for consideration to move the approved date and seeking permission for a second concert date at the same location of Lower Botanic Gardens.


2    Key Issues


2.1       1.      The Council wishes to promote the use of its parks and open spaces and where appropriate will permit the use of these facilities for large events and concerts.

            2.      Mr Eddie Wray Rowan has already paid the bond of intent as a booking fee for one concert day as previously agreed;

            3.      Eddie Wray Rowan, Director of PLM Promotions, Unit 11, Blaris Industrial Estate, Lisburn, has now confirmed that he seeks permission to move the date of the event agreed previously of Saturday 11th June 2011 to Friday 17th June 2011 and an additional second concert date in Lower Botanic Gardens on Thursday 16th June or Saturday 18th June 2011, replacing the 10th June 2011 proposal.


4.      The concert promoter is aware of the scale of charges for a concert. i.e. £2 per person for the first 11,000 and £3 for each person thereafter but has requested that the fee per person payable to the council for the second day be reduced to £1 per person.

            5.      The events would be subject to the preparation of an event management plan which would cover all aspects of management including health and safety and access and shall comply with the current events policy.

            6.      The genre of the music shall be compatible with the locality.


            7.      A legal agreement shall be provided by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor.


            8.      Consultation will be undertaken by the concert promoter with local stakeholders such as Queens University, Lyric Theatre, etc.


3    Resource Implications




      Bonds of intent shall be paid to the council before approval is given.  The scale of charges shall be applied to the size of audience but Mr Rowan has requested a reduced rate for the second concert.


3.2       Human Resources


      There may be overtime required by staff to assist with the management of the proposed event which would need to be met from the fee charged.


3.3       Asset and Other Implications


      The promoter shall ensure all minimal impact on council property and shall provide a bond of reinstatement prior to the event.


4    Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.1There are no equality or good relations implications.


5    Recommendations


5.1       It is recommended that the Committee agrees:


·         to the change of dates as requested by the concert promoter;

·         that the scale of charges remains as £2 per person for the first 11,000 and £3 for each person thereafter over the two days of the concert, ie a charge of £3 per person being applied on the second day; and

·         to grant the Director of Parks and Leisure delegated authority to progress the request subject to agreement with Legal Services.


            After discussion, the Committee adopted the recommendation.


Supporting documents: