Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


            Members will recall the report presented in February on the review of fees and charges for burials and cremations which was agreed at Council on 1st March.


            The charges for burial and cremation services are normally reviewed in January along with the department’s other fees and charges.  A 5% increase has currently been allowed for in the 2011/12 estimates.


2.         Key Issues


            At February Parks and Leisure Committee Members agreed that:

(i)         in relation to the provision of new graves for Belfast residents, option 1 be adopted, that is, no price increase;

(ii)        in relation to the provision of new graves for non – Belfast residents, option 2 be adopted, that is a 5% increase;

(iii)       in relation to those cremation charges applicable to Belfast residents, option 1 be adopted, that is, no price increase

(iv)      in relation to those cremation charges applicable to non-Belfast residents, that a 10% increase by levied each year over the next four year period; and

(v)       a review be undertaken over the next six months in respect of all charges levied in connection to the council’s provision of cemeteries and cremation services.


            The above decision has implications in relation to the budgeted estimated provision for 2011/12 for the service as they do not provide for an inflationary increase in costs to the service or generate the level of income estimated.


3.   Resource implications




      The analysis of the current levels of demand by residents and non residents indicates a potential loss of income in relation to burials is £24,000.  However as 61% of current users of the crematorium are non residents with the 10% increase in charges agreed there is the potential to gain approximately £10,000.  The net loss in relation the charges set would be £14,000 approximately.  Again these figures are subject to demand and are based on the trends experienced in 2010/11 year to date.


4.   Equality and good relations implications


      An equality impact assessment of the scale of charges within the service was previously carried out and all issues were addressed at that time.  No changes have been made to the principles underpinning their rationale.


5.   Recommendations


      Members are asked to note the contents of the report.


6.   Decision Tracking


      New pricing schedule implemented from 1st April 2011 as per the recommendation adopted to be carried out by the Business Manager and reflected in the estimates going forward where applicable.”


            Arising from discussion, a Member referred to a recent case in which, at the request of the coroner, a sample of human tissue had been held back from burial.  Thereafter, the deceased person’s widow had been charged a fee once again to reopen the grave.  He expressed the view that that was unfair and that sensitivity and discretion should be used in such cases and he suggested that the Director of Parks and Leisure be delegated authority to waive fees at the Cemetery and Crematorium where he considered the circumstances to warrant such a decision.


            The Committee agreed to adopt the recommendation and noted that a report on the issue of the waiving of fees for such matters would be submitted for its consideration at a future meeting.


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