Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


1.1       In February 2011, the Council received an invitation from Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to submit an on-line response to their consultation “Shaping The Future – Consultation on The Heritage Lottery Fund’s Strategic Framework 2013-2019”.  HLF is seeking responses by 26th April, 2011.


1.2       It was agreed that the Parks and Leisure Department would coordinate preparation of a response on behalf of the council.  The Policy and Business Development Unit has prepared a draft response following a request for input from relevant officers across the council. 


2          Key Issues


2.1       The aim of the consultation is to seek views on HLF’s proposed strategic framework from 2013 onwards.  Full details of the consultation are available at


2.2       In summary, the consultation asks for views and comments in three sections:


1.      “Our Strategic Framework and How We Work”, including:


·         future strategic aims and priorities; and

·         the application process and support for applicants and grantees.


2.             “Our Current Grant Programmes”, including:


·         proposals for open programmes (eg heritage grants, including simplified processes and revised budgets); and

·         proposals for current targeted programmes (ie Young Roots, Landscape Partnerships, Parks for People, Repair Grants for Places of Worship, Townscape Heritage Initiative).


2.             “Additional Opportunities and Challenges”, including:


·                  proposals to address climate change;

·                  proposals for digital heritage;

·                  funding for innovation;

·                  proposals for heritage skills development; and

·                  proposals for acquisitions and collecting.


2.3       Respondents are required to complete a (largely multiple choice) on-line survey.  This has now been completed in draft form by officers and awaits final submission subject to approval by Members.   Because the draft response sits within HLF’s on-line system, it is not readily accessible for review.  However, the following summarises key views expressed within the draft response on issues which are of particular relevance to the Council:


·         HLF should target more funding at strategic priorities identified through discussion with councils, and solicit applications for new projects accordingly;

·         significant funding is still required for historic buildings and monuments, landscapes, parks, ships and maritime heritage, and wildlife and conservation;

·         HLF should work closely with organisations to identify needs at the local level;

·         HLF should provide appropriate support to applicants, simplify the application process for grants, and clarify such issues as the position regarding multiple applications from individual organisations;

·         HLF should facilitate partnership working between the heritage sector, community organisations, local and central government and other agencies, and potential private donors;

·         HLF should continue to welcome larger grant applications for major projects, and should continue to apply the recent reduction in partnership funding requirement;

·         Parks for People remains a priority targeted funding programme, and that HLF’s proposal to include cemeteries in this programme is welcomed;

·         HLF could support communities' engagement with place-based heritage by ensuring effective dialogue with local councils with respect to any proposed transfer of heritage assets, to ensure complete understanding of requirements, limitations etc;

·         HLF’s proposals to fund digital heritage projects are welcome; and

·         Belfast City Council would welcome the opportunity to work with HLF to identify priorities for future funding, in particular with regard to Heritage Grants and Parks for People, and to ensure that shared strategic approaches are identified within Belfast.


            Subject to approval by this committee, it is proposed that the final response is submitted to HLF by 26 April with the proviso that this is subject to full council approval in May.


3          Resource Implications




4          Equality and Good Relations Implications


4.1       None.


5          Recommendation


5.1       Members are asked to approve submission of a response subject to any comments provided.


6          Decision Tracking


            Project officer to submit approved consultation by 26th April, 2011.”


            The Committee approved the submission as the Council’s official response.


Supporting documents: