Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meeting on 14th January, 2010, it had considered a request which had been received from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Veterinary Service requesting that the Council enter into a contingency rental agreement in relation to the use of the car park areas at the Danny Blanchflower Stadium and the City of Belfast Playing Fields, which had been considered suitable for use as Delivery Operations Centres in the event of an outbreak of epizootic disease such as avian influenza, newcastle disease or foot and mouth disease.


            The Director stated that the Department had proposed to have rental type agreements drawn up in advance which could be activated as and when the premises were required and, as part of its contingency planning arrangements, it had indicated that it was committed to taking all possible measures to contain future outbreaks of epizootic disease and thereby minimise the economic impact on the community.  At that time, it had been indicated that various parts of the sites were required as Delivery Operations Centres and normal activities could continue on other parts of the site, including the pitches.


            Accordingly, the Committee had granted authority for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to use part of the premises at the Blanchflower Stadium and City of Belfast Playing Fields as Delivery Operations Centres during outbreaks and had agreed that an appropriate Licence Agreement be prepared by the Director of Legal Services to protect the Council’s interests and to meet all statutory requirements.  However, the Department, on submission of the draft Licence Agreement and associated maps, had realised that it would require full access to the office, yard and bothy facilities at both sites.  The Director stated that this had not been made clear from the Department’s original request and that full access to the above-mentioned facilities would have a significant impact on operational use and that this had not been brought to the Committee’s attention at its meeting on 14th January, 2010.  Therefore, in order to enable further discussions to be held, the Licence Agreement had not been progressed.


            The Director pointed out that, an alternative site, the Beechvale Farm, which facilitated the Council’s horticultural nursery, had been suggested to the Department.  Thereafter, a meeting had been arranged to assess the site, which had been deemed as suitable for use and the Department had subsequently requested the use of the Beechvale Farm Nursery bothy area for use as a Delivery Operations Centre.  In addition, it had confirmed that it would still like to use parts of Blanchflower Stadium and the City of Belfast Playing Fields as Delivery Operations Centres.  However, due to the Council’s operational requirements at those sites, the Department had indicated that they would only be used as a last resort.  Accordingly, he recommended that the Committee approve:


(i)                  the request which had been received from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Veterinary Service to use part of the Beechvale Nursery Farm as a Delivery Operations Centre; and


(ii)                as a last resort, the use of parts of the Blanchflower Stadium and City of Belfast Playing Fields as Delivery Operations Centres.


            The Committee granted the approval sought, subject to an appropriate licence agreement being prepared by the Assistant Chief Executive and Town Solicitor.


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