Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            In 2006 the council agreed to implement a pricing policy which changed how private coaching services were operated and charged within Belfast City Council leisure centres. The actions in summary were:


·         Private coaching was permitted subject to centre programming and casual user demand


·         All coaches were to register with a host centre showing liability insurance and qualifications, POCVA check also required (not Council staff)


·         Signed confirmation of the coach responsibility for all Inland Revenue demands.


·         Coaches to pay full activity price (no discounts)


·         Customers to pay activity price and are eligible for appropriate BOOST discounts


·         Coaches to pay £4 for each individual client under instruction and £2 per client for groups of 5 or more.


·         Council officers engaging in private coaching must pay the same sessions and client fees as listed and must seek their line manager’s approval, scale 6 and above must seek approval from head of service.


            It was estimated that this would increase centre income and centre foot fall.


            A review of this policy took place in 2010 with the following findings:


·         Accurate auditing of client user numbers was found to be difficult.


·         The IT system did not distinguish individual coaches and resulted in retrospective analysis and auditing of payments being ineffective.


·         A pilot audit, at one facility, during February 2010 discovered that incorrect levels of payment had been submitted resulting in an income deficit of £104. The outstanding finance was ultimately paid however the exercise highlighted an area for improvement.


            The recommendation therefore is to adopt a new charging policy for all private coaching. This, it is intended, will provide more concise management information and will be administered in a similar manner to the Boost membership system. It will also remove on – site payments by private coaches and will ensure that accurate auditing is achievable.


2          Key Issues


            The following are the key issues of the recommended change to the charging policy. There has been an extensive consultation process with Leisure Centre Managers, Leisure Development staff and the Leisure Operations Manager. A working group was established and the recommendations are as follows:


·         The coach consents to the Council carrying out an appropriate POCVA check. The coach must pay a registration fee of £100 to register under the scheme. Existing council employees who have passed the POCVA check will pay a reduced fee of £65. The council reserves the right to review access NI checks on an annual basis


·         The coach shall pay the council £100 per month by way of direct debit


·         Following a 30 day notice the coach may ‘freeze’ the direct debit, twice in any 12 month period.


·         A session will be of a 40 min duration max


·         Coaching sessions within the Swimming pool area will be for a maximum of 2 clients in any one session


·         For coaching sessions (within the Swimming Pool area) with 3 or more clients (up to a maximum of 6 clients) a swimming lane must be booked and paid for in advance. The council cannot guarantee availability and the accommodation of any such request will be subject to operational demand.


·         Session fees will again apply to the client


·         Coaches will not pay session fees


·         Should the recommendations be accepted, existing private coaches will not be required to pay a re-joining fee. They will however be required to sign and adhere to the terms and conditions of the new contract.


3          Resource Implications



            There are in excess of 25 coaches who are currently undertaking private coaching in Belfast City Council leisure facilities. A monthly income of £2500 and an annual income of £30,000 will be generated if current personnel transfer on to the new contract. The singular monthly price of £100 is more competitive than equivalent offers within the private sector and further marketing opportunities may be realised in this respect.


            Human Resources

            There are no adverse human resource issues as all income will be collected through a direct debit process. This will have a positive impact upon front line reception personnel and will result in more concise management information being readily available.


            Other Implications



4          Equality and Good Relations Implications




5          Recommendations


            It is recommended that the amendments as detailed above are adopted.


6          Decision Tracking




7          Key to Abbreviations


            POCVA – Protection of children and vulnerable adults.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



Supporting documents: