Agenda item


            The Committee was reminded that, at its meetings on 10th December, 2009 and 14th January, 2010, it had considered reports in relation to the ongoing issue surrounding the number of greylag geese within Victoria Park and the potential threat to public safety through bird strikes on aircraft landing or taking off at the George Best Belfast City Airport.  In addition, the Committee had been advised of the risk to public health resulting from the extensive amount of bird droppings from the unsustainable numbers of geese contaminating the water and other areas of the Park.  The Committee had subsequently agreed the following range of measures to control the greylag geese, which were in the most part funded by the airport:


1.   The erection of low level wire fencing around the two islands to prevent access for the geese to safe breeding areas. This would also serve to reduce the erosion of the island caused by the geese ‘puddling’ around the edges.


2.   The erection of low level wire fencing along the edge of the lake at the car park area, to prevent the geese from having easy access to and from the water.


3.   Planting appropriate shrubs along parts of the lake to prevent the geese having easy access to and from the water.


4.   Undertaking an awareness raising campaign to dissuade members of the public from feeding the geese, particularly with white bread, by feeding the birds the public are encouraging the

      birds to remain within the park; in addition, bread is not considered appropriate for the birds. This could include a sign, leaflets distributed around the local area, a press release and information on our web site. Education on this issue could also be included in the Watch This Space programme with local schools and the Saturday club at Victoria Park.


5.   To continue with the annual egg pricking under licence (this may prove less necessary if the geese are prevented from gaining access to the islands by the fencing)


6.   Monitor the affects of these measures to assess their effectiveness.


            The Assistant Director explained that, following the evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures to date, the airport authorities wished to:


·         replace the wire fence on the islands with a chestnut pale fence which would be more effective and require less maintenance;


·         extend the fence at the car park along one side of the lake and replace it with a decorative metal fence which would match existing park fencing; and


·         continue to campaign to dissuade members of the public from feeding the geese.


            She pointed out that, since the lake areas of the Victoria Park were an Area of Special Scientific Interest, any of the above-mentioned measures would only be undertaken after appropriate consultation with and the consent of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.  An appropriate legal agreement would be drawn up with the Airport Authority to ensure that it would meet all the associated installation and maintenance costs and that the fence would meet with the Council’s specification.


            The Committee approved the undertaking of the additional bird control measures as outlined, subject to an appropriate agreement with the Airport Authority.


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