Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


1.1       The purpose of this report is to:


(i)      present an outline feasibility study for the development of soccer pitches at Glencairn Park to the Committee; and


(ii)     to seek direction as to whether the potential development should be referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee as a capital project and progressed in line with the normal council procedures.


1.2At the meeting of full council in July 2011 during the discussions on the draft playing pitches strategy a member proposed that an examination be undertaken on the feasibility of the development of soccer pitches in Glencairn Park.


1.3Following on from this the Landscape Planning team has undertaken an examination of the park and a summary of the study is outlined below.


1.4Glencairn Park is a 65 acre linear park that sits within the Glencairn ward in north-west Belfast.  This high quality parkland was the demesne of the two former estates (Glencairn and Fernhill House) and contains the BallygomartinRiver Valley including mature deciduous woodland. As regards public facilities the park contains a small children’s playground, a bitmac basketball court and a BMX track.


1.5The topography of the site rolls down from each of the perimeter boundaries to create a low, flat parkland area on which the playground and BMX track are constructed (approximately 3 acres in size).


2    Key Issues


2.1Members should note that the following planning designations exist for the park under the Belfast Metropolitan Plan:


·            An historic park, garden and demesne – on account of the former adjoining estate gardens of Fernhill and Glencairn House now incorporated into the park


·            A local landscape policy area – on account of its environmental quality and amenity value


·            An area of existing open space


·            Site of local nature conservation importance because of the number of mature trees and vegetation within the site and the existence of the Ballygomartin River


·            Forth River/Glencairn/Ligoniel Community Greenway is designated within the park


2.2In terms of already existing surrounding council provision, the area is well provided for and breaks down as follows:


·            Clarendon Park – two senior grass soccer pitches, one junior grass pitch and a synthetic multi-use games area


·            WoodvalePark – two senior grass pitches (these will be reoriented and enhanced as part of the Woodvale regeneration plans)


·            Ballysillan – 5 senior grass pitches and a new 3G soccer pitch (including ball-stop fencing/ floodlighting).


2.3Given this existing provision and the fact that the pitch audit carried out for the strategy development states that soccer pitches are not under-provided for in the area, there is no current plan or budget for any pitch development at this site.


2.4Feasibility of constructing 1 Grass or 3G Facility


      A flat parkland area (approx 3 acres) exists at the eastern sector of the site adjacent to Forthriver Road.  A small play area, bitmac basketball court and BMX track are provided here.  In terms of the feasibility of developing a grass or 3G pitch within the park this location would be the most practical and cost effective.


2.5Other additional site implications


·            In terms of size requirements topography at the outlined area in Appendix 2 can accommodate a full size 3G soccer pitch (100 x 60m) including 6m high ball-stop fencing and floodlighting. However, this would result in the loss of the existing BMX track and bitmac basketball court. The estimated construction cost for a full size 3G soccer pitch is in the region of £750k


·            At present no changing facility exists within the park. There will be a necessity to construct a four room sports pavilion for teams at an estimated cost of circa £600k


·            Vehicular access to a facility at this location must be enhanced. This will require upgrading of existing vehicular access form Forthriver Crescent and the construction of a formal car park adjacent to the pavilion. Civil engineering works for improved vehicular/pedestrian access are estimated to be in the region of £20k.

·            Due to the low lying topography at this part of the park additional land drainage will be required, given the distance to the nearest watercourse engineering works could be in the region of an additional £10k

·            Due to the planning protections it will be necessary to integrate any proposed 3G facility with the landscape character of the park. This will require landscape/tree works in the region of £15k  

·            As GlencairnPark is designated as ‘historic’ DoE Planning Service may be reluctant to approve development that significantly changes the landscape character of the site. In planning terms an application for a full size synthetic sports pitch with associated fencing, floodlighting and pavilion may be unacceptable


      Members will be aware that the committee has completed a prioritisation exercise regarding investment in pitches and ancillary provision based on the findings of the research undertaken to support the pitches strategy and also taking into account deliverability issues.  In the original exercise Glencairn scored poorly due to adequate provision already in the area and the site only lending itself to 3G association football and not hybrid provision therefore not supporting intensification of use.  It was therefore not considered a priority for development at that stage.


3    Resource Implications


3.1       Financial


      In the event that planning approval is viable, very draft estimated construction costs might break down as follows:


      1x 3G pitch


1.     Pitch construction (fencing/floodlighting)        £750,000

2.     New changing pavilion                                        £600,000

3.     Access Road/car park                                            £20,000

4.     Additional land drainage                                        £10,000

5.     Landscaping works                                                £15,000

        Total estimated cost                                          £1,395,000


1x grass pitch


1.     Pitch construction                                                £400,000

2.     New changing pavilion                                        £300,000

3.     Access Road/car park                                            £20,000

4.     Additional land drainage                                        £10,000

5.     Landscaping works                                                £15,000

        Total estimated cost                                             £745,000


3.2Human Resources


      None at this stage. 


2.2              Asset and Other Implications


      None at this stage, however any future development would alter the council’s sports asset provision.


4    Equality and Good Relations Implications


      There are no implications at this stage.


5    Recommendations


      Committee is asked to consider the information provided in relation to the development of a single 3G or grass surface soccer pitch at Glencairn Park and agree either:


·            Not to progress this proposal further at this stage; or


·            Refer the proposal to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for capital programme funding subject to the gates process.”


            During discussion, several Members suggested, given that the Council, after a lengthy process, had recently developed a Playing Pitches Strategy and approved Phase I of that programme, that the proposals for a pitch at the Glencairn Park should be incorporated into that process.


            A Member pointed out that the Church of Ireland was currently looking at the provision of a third generation pitch in the vicinity and discussions should be undertaken with that Body and the management of the nearby Clarendon Park Playing Fields.


            After further discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor Mullan,

            Seconded by Councillor Hargey,


      That the Committee agrees not to progress the proposal any further at this stage but that it be incorporated within the Council’s Playing Pitches Strategy.




            Moved by Councillor Thompson,

            Seconded by Alderman Humphrey,


      That the Committee agrees that further discussions be undertaken with representatives of the Church of Ireland and the management of the Clarendon Park Playing Fields to discuss the potential of a playing pitch at Glencairn Park and, in the meantime, the proposal be referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for inclusion in the Capital Programme for funding, subject to the gates process.


            On a vote by show of hands six Members voted for the amendment and eleven against and it was accordingly declared lost. 


            The original proposal standing in the name of Councillor Mallon and seconded  by Councillor Hargey was thereupon put to the meeting when eleven Members voted for and six against and it was accordingly declared carried.


Supporting documents: