Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1  Relevant Background Information


The Committee is asked to note that the former Community and Recreation (Parks and Cemeteries) Sub-Committee in October 2005, considered and approved a report on the ‘Waterworks and Westland Road Recreation Facility’.  This approval followed an earlier presentation by Groundwork NI and the Westland Road Community Group in March 2005.  A copy of the minute has been circulated and outlines a series of proposals to develop and enhance the site including a playground and sensory garden which have both been delivered.  One of the main items was the provision of a Multi-User Games Area (MUGA). 


At the time the sub-committee had agreed to the provision of land for the purpose of constructing the MUGA.        


The community, in partnership with Groundwork NI, have now secured funding through Peace III to construct a MUGA.  Officers have been in discussion with Groundwork NI to facilitate the construction of the work.  However, the council has now been asked to sign up to a partnership arrangement as set out by the funding organisation.   This partnership agreement will be between the council, Groundwork NI and the Westland community. 


The specific obligations in the agreement for the council are as follows:


1.    To maintain and ensure the multi-use area at Westland and to ensure that it remains as a public asset post completion of the Sharing our Space Programme. 

2.    To work with the Westland community and Groundwork NI to put in place an appropriate management arrangement;

3.    To participate in a project working group with other stakeholders; and

4.    To work in conjunction with Groundwork NI to meet the overarching objectives of the programme.


With the exception of point 1 above the arrangement is merely asking the council to engage in discussions at this time.  Members are assured that any human resource or financial implications arising from these discussions will be reported back to Committee for consideration and approval to proceed.


2.      Key Issues


The Committee is asked to note that:


1.    There remain a number of issues to be resolved regarding the physical construction of the MUGA, these include the need for a contamination survey;

2.    Whilst the scheme is not a council project it will be subject to the council’s gates review process;

3.    Access to the proposed site will be via a piece of land adjacent to the proposed location and which is currently leased to a third party. However, preliminary discussions with the lessee indicate that an accommodation re access will be facilitated;


In order for the project to progress the Committee is asked to consider the following:


1.    To reaffirm its decision to permit the construction of the MUGA on council land;


2.    The partnership agreement requests that council undertake the maintenance and insurance of the facility.  This had not been previously agreed.  While it is acknowledged that it is unlikely that the facility would be economically viable no provision has been made in the revenue estimates for the maintenance; excluding damage owing to vandalism.  The maintenance costs could be in the region of £5–£10,000 per annum.  It would approach the higher figure if it became necessary during the year to power hose it should the drainage system become blocked; the Committee is asked to consider whether it wishes to accede to request that the council undertakes the maintenance of the facility and incorporates it within the schedule of insurance for the purposes of public liability;

3.    Members will be aware that the terms and conditions of external funding normally require that the project be sustained for a fixed period of time which can vary according to the level of funding; Groundwork has confirmed with the funding body that it would require a period of 10 years from completion of the works and Groundwork has requested that the council agree to meet the maintenance liability for that same period;

4.    The construction of the MUGA will be managed by Groundwork NI and it will be necessary to enter into a licence agreement with Groundwork NI and/or its contractor to provide access to the site for the purpose of construction and to indemnify the council from any loss, damage or injury which may be incurred during the construction;

5.    The officers work with Groundwork NI and the community to develop an appropriate management agreement and programme for the facilities consistent with the objectives of the funding.


3 Resource Implications




The capital cost of the project will be met through external funding.  It is estimated that the annual revenue cost of management and maintenance will be in the region of         £5-10,000 in the absence of any growth in 2012/2013 it will be necessary to meet the cost from existing budgets.


            Human Resources


There are no additional human resource implications; inspections and maintenance work will be incorporated within existing resources.     


Asset and Other Implications


The construction of the MUGA will increase provision for the area and enhance opportunities for participation in sporting activities.


4 Equality and Good Relations Considerations


The project is being progressed as Shared Space Programme and issues around access to the facility will be addressed through the management plan.


5 Recommendations


The Committee is asked to:


1.   Note the report;

2.   Agree that the council will undertake the maintenance of the facility for a period of at least 10 years from completion and undertake to cover public liability insurance;

3.   Agree that the council enter into a licence agreement in relation to the construction; and

4.   Agree that officers work with Groundwork NI and the community to develop an appropriate management agreement and programme for the facilities consistent with the objectives of the funding.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: