Agenda item


            The Committee was advised that a request had been received from Mr. Alan Gibson, on behalf of a non-denominational Christian group, to hire the Musgrave Bowling Pavilion each Friday evening from 8.00 p.m. till 9.00 p.m., commencing 20th January till 27th April, 2012 (inclusive) for a series of gospel meetings.  The group would require the use of the main hall, reception, toilets and the car park adjacent to the building.  Access to the pavilion would be through the main vehicular gate off Hospital Road, which would be opened and closed by staff before commencement at the end of each hire period.  The event was anticipated to attract between eighty and one hundred people each week.  In addition, the Group had requested permission to use a small battery operated public address system.


            The applicant had confirmed that there would be no charge or fee nor collection of money at the gospel meetings.  No food or catering was required and no advertising would be placed outside or around the Council’s property, however, Mr. Gibson wished to hand out invitation cards outside the park. 


            The Assistant Director pointed out that the Council’s events policy placed responsibility for appropriate management of waste associated with an event with the event organiser.  Officers would ensure that the organiser was in receipt of the Council’s Events Policy – Handbook for Applicants, which outlined clearly that arrangements must be in place for litter collection and gave guidance on appropriate steps, based on the scale of the event proposed.  As with all events, but particularly because of the evening element involved in this event, it was essential that health and safety and other issues were addressed through the preparation of an event management plan by the event organisers to the satisfaction of Council officers.


            The current policy permitted the use of Council premises for religious activity as long as there was no breach of Section 76 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.  The Council had previously granted Mr. Gibson permission to hold gospel meetings at the Ormeau Bowling Pavilion in 2011 and those had proved to be a success.  There would be no hire charge for the period of hire in line with the Council’s pricing policy, however, Mr. Gibson had agreed to contribute towards the cost of providing staff cover for the event.


            Accordingly it was recommended that permission be granted for the use of the Musgrave Bowling Pavilion as outlined, subject to satisfactory terms being agreed with the Director of Parks and Leisure and on the condition that:


(i)    the event organisers resolved all operational issues to the Council’s satisfaction;


(ii)   appropriate documentation was in place prior to the commencement of the event, to include an event management plan, public liability documentation and appropriate risk assessments;


(iii)  the event organisers meeting all statutory requirements;


(iv)an agreement being reached regarding the charge for the use of the facility which would cover the Department’s costs and the agreed hire charge; and


(v)  the building being inspected and deemed fit for use by the Council’s health and safety officer.


            The Committee adopted the recommendation.



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