Agenda item


            The Director reminded the Committee that the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting on 19th August, had highlighted the potential for underutilised funds becoming available for re-allocation and that subsequently it had been agreed to allocate £800,000 to Parks and Leisure to supplement the Department’s budget on a non-recurrent basis and that the Parks and Leisure Committee should agree the final allocation of money to specific initiatives. 


            The following areas had been identified as being suitable for non-recurrent financing:


1.     A programme of 3G and grass resurfacing which had been identified as being required through the Pitches Strategy;


2.     The resurfacing of the cycling track at Orangefield Park which was used as a training facility for national cyclists who competed in the Commonwealth and Olympic games;


3.     A programme of improvements and renewals in parks and leisure facilities, including lighting and equipment; and


4.     A programme of community initiatives, including playgrounds, community gardens and local community events.


            Accordingly, the Committee considered the undernoted portion of the report which set out the proposed areas for allocation of funding:       


Proposed allocation of Underspend                             Estimated Cost


Provision of Outdoor Gym Equipment

at various park sites to be agreed

(8 sites @ £10,000, working in

partnership with the Public Health Unit)                                 £80,000


Replacement Leisure equipment

now at end of life (all centres)                                                  £250,000


Development of Community Gardens

at 4 locations to be agreed across

the city                                                                                        £200,000


Essential work on Orangefield Cycle

Track                                                                                           £220,000


Grass Pitch Maintenance in line

with resurfacing needs identified

through the Pitches Strategy                                                   £50,000


The Director of Finance and Resources reported to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 4 November that the introduction of the new Local Government Finance Act 2011 would give greater flexibility to how the capital programme is managed.  With the new Act, if the full budget for the capital programme loan repayments is not needed in a particular year, that element of the budget which is not required may be reallocated in that year to pay for other capital schemes, on a one-off basis.  Members will therefore be able to re-prioritise schemes that the council had not previously been able to commit to for affordability reasons and deliver new smaller scale schemes without impacting on the level of district rate set.


Although the governance arrangements for these smaller schemes has still to be considered by Strategic Policy and Resources it is proposed that a number of projects are developed to a state of readiness to be progressed as funding becomes available and to allow some flexibility in delivery should other projects not progress. These include:


Projects identified to be prepared in

readiness for funding                                                    Estimated Cost


Pitch and Mitch Playground development                              £130,000


Provision of lighting at sites                                                    £80,000


Resurfacing of various MUGAs                                                £600,000


Development of MUGAs at various locations                         £600,00


Consultation and work on specifications are required after which projects will be brought before committee for agreement on locations and delivery. 


A number of procurement exercises will be required to be under taken to ensure the delivery of the projects within the tight timescale and work is currently underway to work up the relevant specifications.


            After discussion, the Committee approved the proposed use of the underutilised funds as outlined, and noted that further reports would be submitted to the Committee to seek agreement on locations and delivery.


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