Agenda item


            The Director reminded the Committee that, as part of the Alexandra Park Regeneration Project, a cross-community and multi-agency steering group had been formed to assist and ensure delivery of the project.  As a result of the ongoing work, the steering group had identified a community interest in the possibility of providing an access gate within the Peace Wall which divided the communities that surrounded the park.  He explained that, following community consultation, the Committee had approved a pilot scheme to open the Peace Wall for a period of three months from Friday, 16th September, 2011, Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.  The access gate had been supported and funded by the Department of Justice and a pathway connecting the two sides of the park had been funded by the Council.


            The Director of Parks and Leisure reported that the Police Service of Northern Ireland, Park Rangers and the Community Safety Team had monitored the success of the pilot scheme, recording all interface tensions and directly associated anti-social behaviour.  The three months of the pilot scheme had ended in mid?December with no incidents having been recorded by either the Council or the Police Service.  The feedback which had been received by the steering group had been very positive and had indicated that the new access arrangements had enhanced the enjoyment of park users.  The current arrangements had been maintained in order to keep the wall

open and pending an update presentation to the Members.  In accordance with its decision of 10th November, the Committee was advised that a deputation from the Steering Group was in attendance and accordingly Ms. K. Clarke and Messrs. M. Waddell, S. Cochrane and B. Caskey were admitted to the meeting and welcomed by the Chairman.


            Mr. Waddell advised the Committee that the Group had been formed following the award of funding to Groundwork Northern Ireland under the Regional Development Fund Peace III Programme under Priority 1.1 Building Positive Relations at a Local Level to deliver the Reconciling Communities through Regeneration programme.  In consultation with the Council and the local community, Alexandra Park had been chosen as a specific project with a budget allocation of £50,000 towards the physical regeneration work.  He outlined the objectives of the Group and the key outcomes which it had hoped to achieve in relation to the Alexandra Park and the work which had been undertaken to develop the area.  He informed the Members that, in February, 2011, Groundwork Northern Ireland had carried out consultation sessions to gauge opinions and install an access point in the Peace Wall running through Alexandra Park.  The consultation had been positive and the pilot scheme had been introduced in September.


            The members of the deputation then outlined the work which had been carried out, details of the launch event and a fun day and the additional work which had been undertaken.  It was reported that no incidents had taken place in the park which required to be dealt with by the Police Service since the opening.  The deputation then outlined the next steps regarding the work which would be undertaken in order to have the opening hours at the park extended.


            The deputation then answered a number of questions from the Members and the Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked them for attending and they retired from the meeting.


            After discussion, the Committee approved the:


(i)      continued opening of the Peace Wall within Alexandra Park, subject to a review after a period of twelve months; and


(ii)     revision of the access gate opening times to align with the park’s opening and closing times, subject to further community consultation.



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