Agenda item


            The Committee considered a report, which had been prepared by the Director of Finance and Resources, in respect of the Estimates of Revenue Expenditure for the Financial Year 2012/2013.  A copy of that section of the report, in so far as it applied to the Parks and Leisure Committee, is set out hereunder:


2.7Parks and Leisure Committee


      A spending limit of £23,166,040 is recommended for the Parks and Leisure Department in respect of the financial year 2012/13.  This represents an increase of 1.14% on the previous year.  The main items for expenditure for the department are outlined at Appendix 1 and the key priorities for the department for 2012/13 are summarised in Appendix 2.


      The main budgetary intentions of the Department for next year are set out below:




Leisure Services


Parks and Cemetery Services






Total Net Expenditure



      There are a number of areas where change has occurred from last year.


2.8The Parks and Leisure improvement programme is a work in progress.  Costs of £50k have been included to support the development of community engagement and community events within Parks as part of this programme.


2.9The department is also involved in delivering the Olympic legacy programme which relates to pre games training and events.  Approximately £20k is required for these activities.


2.10     Leisure Development annually under take a programme of health development initiatives and a number of them are to be completed in 2011/12. Approximately £36k has been released for other initiatives such as the growth within the cardiovascular rehabilitation programme of £27k.


2.11     At Parks and Leisure Committee on 11 August 2011 it was agreed that the management arrangements for the Hammer pavilion would transfer from Community Services to the department.  An increase cost of £13k has been provided for this.


2.12     At Parks and Leisure Committee on 13 October 2011 it was agreed that the maintenance arrangements for the new MUGA at the waterworks would be undertaken by the department.  An additional amount of £10k has been included to provide for this.


2.13     Additional costs of £255k must be borne by the department in respect of superannuation increased provision.


2.14     Increased gas and water charges have been provided based on current projections of costs which have added £104k to the budget.


2.15     There was a loss of income due to the partial closure of two leisure centres for essential maintenance during 2011.  The 2012/13 estimates show an increase in income from fees and charges to provide for a full years trading at these centres.  However the leisure centres as a whole will not experience any growth in income for 2012/13.


2.16     Belfast Castle and Malone House have both reflected a loss of income through fees and charges of £25k each.  However the new franchise agreements for each site provide additional income of £15k and £40k respectively in the 2012/13 year.


2.17     Increases in charges to the public for the Zoo has increased by only 1% as it is felt that the throughput will not grow.  The Cemeteries and Crematorium income is up by 6% to reflect the increased income in relation to charges for non residents as per the committee decision in February 2011.  These fees and charges will raise an additional £134k income and will be reviewed and proposed in a separate report to January’s Parks and Leisure Committee.


2.18     The Department will make a contribution of £169k to the efficiency programme in 2012/13.  Efficiency savings will be made in the following areas: - review of overtime and agency costs, review of marketing and communications, playground/sports equipment tender review, and procurement contract savings.  Further savings of £30k will be made in energy consumption with new cremators and a review of the purchase of uniforms.


3.   Recommendations


      The Committee is requested to note the contents of the report and agree cash limits for the Parks and Leisure Committee for 2012/13 of £23,166,040.


















Net Expenditure


Net Expenditure





















Leisure Centres




Leisure Development












Parks and Cemeteries








Parks and Open Spaces including cemeteries and crematorium








Landscape Planning & Development




Estates Management including Belfast Castle/Malone House




Parks & Cemeteries Development




Parks & Cemeteries Services




Open Spaces and Active Living








Parks and Leisure Directorate












Anti Social Behaviour

















Summary of Priority Actions for the

Parks and Leisure Department for 2012/13


The department is currently developing the full detail of its Departmental Plan for 2012/13 which will be presented to Parks and Leisure Committee in March.


Highlighted below are some of the key actions


·        Agree the new Active Belfast and Open Spaces (ABOS) strategy and deliver year two actions

·        8 new outdoor/‘green’ gyms to be installed in ‘community activity hubs’ across the city

·        Develop and Deliver 4 community gardens across the city as Part of the Growing Communities Strategy

·        Carry out essential work on the Orangefield Cycle Track

·        Deliver year two actions in the pitches strategy including the pitches improvement programme

·        Develop programmes to increase participation in connection with 2012 Olympics to maximise the Olympic legacy

·        Deliver Active Belfast consortium work programme to include: Active Communities

·        Implement Replacement programme for Leisure Centre Cardiovascular equipment

·        Develop a robust plan for the development of new crematorium facilities in Belfast and continue to manage the ongoing cemeteries development project.

·        Improve the customer experience at Parks and Leisure venues through our New Customer Charter and implement our customer service standards

·        Continue to roll out customer care training for all staff

·        Implementing other service improvement pilots

·        Complete a Green Flag standard site assessment across the department’s parks and green spaces: retain Green Flag in the 7 parks  that currently hold it; and apply for Green Flag in three additional parks and open spaces – Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon, Waterworks and Victoria

·        Make arrangements for the management and maintenance of phase 1 of the Connswater community Greenway

·        Conclude works on the Dunville and Woodvale park development programme

·        Develop with partners an annual programme of parks and leisure focused citywide events across the city

·        Facilitate the delivery of community programmes and activities


·        Work in partnership to develop and deliver the Safer Neighbourhood Antisocial Behaviour Programme

·        Deliver and evaluate the Presence in Parks initiative

·        Deliver phase two of the People in Parks (youth) initiative with Challenge Youth

·        Deliver improvements in Dog control in our parks

·        Develop and deliver year two actions in an ‘Active Belfast Plan’ together with the Belfast Health Development Unit and other partners

·        Deliver sports development activities at the Urban Sports Park

·        Deliver a range of health and well-being programmes and activities

·        Agree and implement the revised business/ commercial model for the Zoo

·        Develop a city wide participation plan, including a review of the departmental grants schemes

·       Through operational reviews identify and deliver improvements and efficiencies in our services.


            The Committee agreed that its cash limit for the Financial Year 2012/2013 be set at £23,166,040 and approved the allocation of resources as set out in Appendix 1.


Supporting documents: