Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


1.1       The Council has received a request from Mr Michael Montgomery on behalf of Quay Vipers Motor Cycle Club to secure the Boucher Road Playing Fields site to hold their annual rally/festival from Friday 10 August to Sunday 12 August 2012 (inclusive).  This event has been running for

            many years at Benone caravan complex and has steadily increased in size.  Organisers now feel that due to its central location and close proximity to the motorways Boucher Road Playing Fields is their preferred option.


1.2       Council officers have been informed that it is customary within motorcycle organisations to each hold an annual event in their home country and to invite other host clubs and locals to attend with the aim to change the stigma associated with these types of events from a ‘bad boy’ image generated in the 50’s and 60’s to a fun family orientated event for any motorcycle enthusiast.


1.3       The event is expected to attract around 1,800 motorcycle enthusiasts over three days from Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and mainland UK, many of whom will either camp on site or stay at local hotels/B&Bs. 


1.4       As well as hospitality the event generates income for local business from petrol stations to restaurants.


            The event is made up of:


·         a camping site for approximately 900 people;

·        large floored marquees containing various traders selling motorcycle related items;

·         an entertainment marquee with stage and live music set to run through the three days with the final night being by invite only;

·         a licensed bar and seating area – also contained in a marquee; and

·        a custom motorcycle show – also contained in a marquee.


1.5       The event is scheduled to take place over three days with two days prior to build and one day after to take down. 


1.6       Organisers plan to sell tickets prior to the event and access will be strictly ticket only.  Tickets will be available up to two weeks before the event, with a ticket office available on site to sell additional tickets on each of the days.  Ticket holders will be issued with a wrist band which must be worn at all times while in attendance.


1.7       In previous years organisers have donated any profits to local charities once event costs have been covered and the nominated charity this year is the NI Children’s Hospice.


2.         Key Issues


2.1       The event will require the entire site being secured by the organisers to include:


·        use of the hard standing area for marquees for entertainment, food and traders stalls;

·        two soccer pitches and one gaelic pitch for camping; and

·        use of the changing pavilion for showering facilities for campers, additional toilet facilities will be provided in the form of portaloos


2.2       The organisers will provide their own security for the event and access will be strictly ticket only.


2.3       The organisers will comply with all appropriate aspects of the council’s events policy.  This will include:


·        A detailed event management plan will be required.  An entertainments licence and application for liquor license must also be sought by the organiser prior to the event. 

·        No fly posting is to take place for this event.

·        The council’s events policy places responsibility for appropriate management of waste associated with an event with the event organiser.  Officers will ensure that the organiser is in receipt of our events policy – ‘Handbook for Applicants’ which outlines clearly that arrangements must be in place for litter collection and gives guidance on appropriate steps, based on the scale of the event proposed. 

·        The organiser will be required to provide appropriate risk assessments and adequate public liability insurance to cover all activities on site.  Certification for any electrical, gas, food preparation and marquees which are to be erected on site will also be required.

·        The organiser will be required to liaise with the local PSNI and fire authority and comply with any issues or recommendations they may have.   

·        The organiser will work with council officers to ensure all heath and safety issues are addressed.

·         Organisers will require connections to utility services – water, electricity and sewerage to facilitate catering, toilets and power to entertainment location.  


·         No machinery is to be placed on the grass areas or pitches, pitches are only to be used for camping.  It is felt that camping may discolour the grass but will have no long term effect on the condition or have any impact on the beginning of the soccer season in September.

·        Based on last year’s usage of the pitch the event will cause disruption to around 7 Gaelic football bookings.  It is anticipated that these bookings can be accommodated at Cherryvale, Falls Park or City of Belfast playing fields.

·        An appropriate legal agreement will be provided by Legal Services.


3.         Resource Implications




            There is an average potential loss of income of £260.04 from the Gaelic pitches which will be charged to the organisers along with a charge for utilities used.  A bond of intent to the value of £2,000 will also be applied in the event of any reinstatement costs to the council.


            The normal charge for such events is £100 per day, however as the organisers have informed council officers that any profits from the event will be given to charity, Members are asked to consider waiving the fee in this case.


            Human Resources


            There are no human resources issues with this event as it will be staffed by the organiser.    


            Asset and other implications




4.         Equality and good relations implications




5.         Recommendations


            It is recommended that permission is granted for this event to take place subject to satisfactory terms being agreed with the Director of Parks and Leisure and on condition that:


1.     appropriate documentation is in place prior to commencement, to include event management plan, public liability documentation, risk assessments, certificates for electricity, gas and marquee erection, legal agreements, liquor license and building control approvals;

2.     the event organisers meet all statutory requirements;

3    no further hire charge is applied other than covering the Department’s costs as proceeds are give to charity;

4.     liaison takes place with relevant council departments and other organisations, (health and safety, PSNI, fire service).”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.



Supporting documents: