Agenda item


            The Director of Parks and Leisure submitted, for the Committee’s consideration, the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


1.1       Members are aware of the recently developed playing pitches strategy and that as part of this a number of reports have been considered by committee.  At its meeting on 9th June 2011 the Committee agreed:


(i)               that the following five sites be prioritised for development during Phase I of the programme:


·        Cherryvale Playing Fields

·        Woodvale Playing Fields

·        Cliftonville Playing Fields

·        Falls Park

·        Ormeau Park;


(ii)             that the following three changing facilities be upgraded during Phase I of the programme:


·          Ballysillan – new facility

·          Waterworks (Westland) – new facility

·          Musgrave Park – new facility;


(iii)           that the Dixon Park Playing Fields and Victoria Park sites be removed from Phase I of the programme associated with the upgrade of changing facilities to enable those Members of the Committee representing the East of the City to undertake site visits to those facilities and the Alderman Tommy Patton Memorial Park in order to consider the prioritisation of those sites within Phase I of the programme;


(iv)           that officers meet with the Irish Football Association to discuss a programme of joint working around junior association football based around best practice;


(v)             that officers develop a process for the invitation of applications for enhancement to educational facilities to secure greater community access;


(vi)           that letters be forwarded to the Ministers with responsibility for the Departments of Education and Culture, Arts and Leisure seeking meetings regarding the Pitches Strategy; and


(vii)          to note the action plans.


            It was further agreed at the Council meeting on 4th June 2011:


 ‘That the decision under the heading “Playing Pitches Strategy” be amended to provide that the Dixon Park Playing Fields and Victoria Park sites be included in Phase 1 of the programme associated with the upgrade of changing facilities.’



2.         Key Issues


2.1       Public Consultation


            Members will also be aware that the second phase of public consultation took place from 25 July to 14 October 2011.  This phase of consultation focused on the local impact of the development of pitches to inform the EQIA and sought views on the action plans for years 1-3 of the Playing Pitches Strategy.


2.2       The second phase of consultation included an online questionnaire, a series of independently facilitated public meetings combined with meetings with key groups including the council’s Section 75 Forum, the Youth Forum and the Northern Ireland Youth Forum.


2.3       Invitations were sent out to 222 sporting clubs, societies and organisations informing them of the events.  Information was also sent to the secretaries of soccer leagues and the Antrim County Board asking them to circulate it to their members.  Public notices were also placed in local newspapers and on the notice boards of council facilities including leisure and community centres.  Although in the end there was not a significant attendance at any of the public sessions there was a good input from those in attendance and a number of relevant issues discussed.


2.4       A total of five completed questionnaires were returned at the end of the phase 2 consultation period; one from an individual, one from a GAA club and three from governing bodies (GAA, association football and rugby union).  The responses and the feedback from the public meetings were considered as part of the final EQIA report.


2.5       Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)


            Section 5 of the report outlines the key findings and includes a table (p25) which provides an assessment of impacts against each of the section 75 categories.


2.6       The EQIA has suggested that there is potential for people in a number of the Section 75 groups to be differentially affected by the strategy and associated action plans.  This is on the basis that they may have less opportunity to benefit from the provision of new and upgraded facilities.  The groups identified include:


·         People from a Protestant community background;

·         Black and Minority Ethnic people, Eastern European migrants, refugees and asylum seekers;

·        Children and young people;

·        Older people;

·        Single parents;

·        Women and girls;

·        People with disabilities;

·        People with dependants (including carers and those with dependent children).


2.7       The investment priorities have been established as a result of applying the prioritisation matrix in the strategy which was the subject of extensive consultation last year.


2.8       The EQIA found that any differential impacts caused by the selection of sites (principally to people from a Protestant community background) are justified in that the highest deficiencies/needs identified by Strategic Leisure were in respect of Gaelic sports.    


2.9       The EQIA outlines mitigating actions under the following three areas:


            Sports development


            An important element of the Action Plans is the development of a new sports development programme which will specially address the under-representation of certain Section 75 groups in team sports activity, including older people, women and girls, people with disabilities and people with dependants.  The programme will include targets for increased participation by these groups.


            Junior pitches


            The lack of facilities across the city for small sided (or junior) games which directly affects a range of under-represented groups was highlighted.  The EQIA states that as a mitigating action we intend to continue to examine the potential to convert underused full sized pitches into junior sized pitches and in relation to association football to develop a programme of joint working with the Irish Football Association.



            Members will be aware that the Committee has already agreed ‘that officers meet with the Irish Football Association to discuss a programme of joint working around junior association football based around best practice’.  Officers are currently exploring various options around junior provision and will continue to work with a range of partners including the IFA on this issue.  It is proposed that an additional action on junior provision is included in the action plan already agreed by the Committee. 


2.10     Wider Initiatives


            The EQIA emphasises that it is important to view the Playing Pitches Strategy and Action Plans in the context of a wide range of initiatives currently being taken by the Council to benefit people in particular Section 75 groups.  These include programmes aimed at children, young people and older people.


2.11     One of the actions within the Management sub-objective of the strategy is to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for all pitches.  As part of this we will monitor the equality impacts of the investment decisions.  During the consultation the Irish Football Association (IFA) offered to share the findings of its own monitoring programmes with the Council and to assist in facilitating wider consultation and monitoring.  Officers will work not just with the IFA but with all the governing bodies, clubs and other organisations to share monitoring information and ensure that vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups are able to contribute to the ongoing development of the strategy and action plans.


2.12     Final strategy


            The draft playing pitches strategy has been updated to reflect the feedback received from the public consultation exercises and the Members’ decision to change the weighting in the prioritisation matrix.  It has also been “proofed” to ensure that it meets the Plain English guidelines (a copy of this is attached at Appendix 2).


3.         Resource Implications




            £10 million has been allocated in the capital programme for the implementation of the playing pitches strategy in the period 2011-2014.


            Human Resources


            No additional human resources known at this time.


            Asset and Other Implications


            None at this stage although the implementation of the strategy will have implications on the number and type of playing pitches provided by the council. 


4.         Equality and Good Relations Implications


            Policy Arc Ltd was appointed to externally verify the equality dimensions to the development of the strategy which has been subject to an EQIA.  The full EQIA is attached at Appendix 1.


5.         Recommendations


            Committee is asked:


(i)               to note the findings of the EQIA; and


(ii)             to agree the proposed additional actions relating to the provision of junior facilities included in the final strategy and action plans.”


          During discussion, a number of concerns were raised in relation to the findings of the Equality Impact Assessment particularly regarding the mitigating actions therein, in that some Members felt that they were inadequately addressed to deal with certain differential impacts identified.


            The Director reminded the Committee that the Equality Impact Assessment indicated that any differential impacts were justified by the previous evidence-based work regarding deficiencies and need in the City.


            He pointed out also that the investment priorities for the first phase of the Strategy had been agreed by the application of the prioritisation matrix as set out within the document, which had been amended following extensive consultation undertaken during 2011.  


            After further discussion in relation to the implications to the Council arising from the implementation of the Pitches Strategy, it was


            Moved by Councillor Robinson,

            Seconded by Councillor Thompson,


     That, in light of the findings of the Equality Impact Assessment, the Committee rejects the Assessment and agrees that it be referred to the Council’s Legal Services Section for an opinion to be provided as to whether money could be spent against the Pitches Strategy.


            On a vote by show of hands, eight Members voted for the proposal and twelve against and it was accordingly declared lost. 


            Accordingly, it was


            Moved by Councillor O’Neill,

            Seconded by Councillor Mallon,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations as set out within the report.


            On a vote by show of hands, eleven Members voted for the proposal and eight against and it was accordingly declared carried.


Supporting documents: