Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


            The Grove Wellbeing Centre opened during May 2008 and an area originally designated for 10 pin bowling has been vacant since that time.  The area is at the rear of the facility and measures 355 square feet.


            Presently the area is unused and despite a 6 lane bowling area being part of an initial design the opportunity existed to reassess available options for this element of the facility. Parks and Leisure committee therefore authorised the undertaking of an economic appraisal for the use of the space in order that recommendations could be forwarded.


            The results of the economic appraisal were presented to the Parks and Leisure Committee on 15th September 2011. Initially a long list of twenty three options were considered for suitability and ultimately short listed to four suggestions for further consideration.  Officers informed the committee that option 2, a dedicated martial arts facility was recommended as the preferred option for development.  At this meeting committee agreed to defer consideration of a report in relation to the vacant bowling area at the Grove Wellbeing Centre to enable the local councillors in the area to be consulted on its future use.


2.0       Key Issues


            A meeting was held on 28th October 2011 and the six local North Belfast councillors were invited to attend.  In preparation for this meeting officers asked for some additional research to be undertaken to provide greater assurance that martial arts use is appropriate for the Grove Well Being Centre.  


            Key stakeholders consulted with included:


·          Sport Northern Ireland;

·          Various Martial Arts Governing Bodies;

·          North Belfast Councillors

·          Staff at the Grove Well Being Centre


            At the meeting of North Belfast Councillors agreement was reached for officers to develop and bring back to the Parks and Leisure Committee the dual proposal of martial arts provision on the ground floor and community usage in multi purpose room 2.


            The discussion at the meeting about community use was specifically about the displaced youth club which was demolished to make way for the new Grove Wellbeing Centre and the promise that the youth club could relocate, free of charge to the new centre.


            The centre has confirmed, from 1st April 2012 that they can accommodate community use and specifically the displaced youth club in multipurpose room 2 in the centre for 3 evenings per week (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) from 7.00-9.00 p.m. totalling 6 hours per week.


            Officers have taken on board the comments from elected Members and developed the proposals further and associated costs are outlined in the next section.


3.         Resource Implications




            There is currently provision of £250k in the capital programme in relation to this scheme.  This money was included in the original capital budget for the overall Grove Wellbeing Centre scheme and therefore must be spent on the Centre.


            It is anticipated that costs would be as follows:


M&E                                                                         £130,000

Internal works i.e painting,

Lighting, flooring, creation

of new storage cupboards,

partition and access works                                    £50,000

Spectator seating                                                       £5,000

Mats and equipment                                               £40,000

Equipment for youth club and

community use                                                         £10,000

Total approx                                                           £235,000


            Loss of income (based upon 2011/12 scale of charges) as a result of free community use = £38 per hour, so potential loss of £10,944 per year, based on 48 weeks usage.


            Human Resources


            An adhoc leisure attendant presence would be required for this option and this could be met from within existing resources.


            Asset and Other Implications




4.         Equality and Good Relations Implications


            There are no equality or good relations implications.


5.         Recommendations


            Committee is asked to:


1.     Agree to proceed with the option of a dedicated martial arts facility on the ground floor and community use in multipurpose room 2 of the Grove Wellbeing Centre and recommend the decision to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee.


2.     Agree that, subject to Strategic Policy and Resources approval, a tender process can commence with a view to implementation during early 2012.


3.   Agree to free use for the displaced youth club, up to a maximum of 9 hours per week.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: