Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


            Members will be aware that at its meeting in January 2012 the Committee agreed to:


            Support the development of a boxing strategy for the city.  It was also agreed that a further report will be brought to committee providing the proposed approach for the development of the strategy.


            Following the Committee’s approval for the development of a boxing strategy for the city, officers have been working to progress the project.


            This reports outlines progress to date and the approach proposed for the development of the strategy.


2.         Key Issues


            Progress to date


            Officers have held initial meetings with representatives from Co Antrim Boxing, Ulster Boxing Council (UBC), Sport Northern Ireland (SNI) and the Irish Amateur Boxing Association (IABA).  All of these organisations have agreed to work in partnership with the Council in the development of a boxing strategy for the city.


            A wider meeting was held on the 28th February in City Hall to which all the boxing clubs in Belfast were invited.  The purpose of this meeting was to outline the proposed approach and to get feedback from the clubs on it.


            Proposed approach


            Officers have drafted an approach to the development of a boxing strategy for the city.


            The first stage of the approach will be the establishment of a steering group to oversee the development of the strategy.  This group will be chaired by the Assistant Director of Parks and Leisure and will consist of representatives from the Council, SNI, UBC, IABA and Co Antrim Boxing Board.  Our partner organisations on the steering group will be responsible for informing their members of progress and feeding back their views.  Wider meetings of all the boxing clubs will also be held at key stages to inform them of progress and obtain their feedback.


            Following the establishment of the steering group a baseline assessment will be undertaken.  As part of this process a questionnaire will be developed and sent out to all boxing clubs in the Belfast City Council area and those that are on the periphery.  The results will be analysed to provide us with an assessment of need and a clear picture of the current situation with boxing in the city.


            Following presentation of the findings to the Parks and Leisure Committee a draft strategy will developed based on the findings from the baseline assessment.  This will include a:


·     strategic context

·     assessment of need

·     options for going forward.


            Action plans will also be developed under the following 3 themes:


·     management/governance

·     sports development

·     capital investment.


            Following agreement of the draft strategy and action plan by the Parks and Leisure Committee a 12 week period of public consultation will take place.


            Ongoing equality screening will take place throughout the development of the strategy.


            Next steps


            A questionnaire is has been drafted and will be circulated to all clubs in order to gather the information for the baseline assessment – this will also be sent to those clubs that are on the periphery of the Council boundary.  The closing date for return of completed questionnaire is Friday 6th April 2012.  Officers will assist clubs in completing the questionnaire when requested and we will work with our partners to ensure the highest possible response rate. The findings will be collated and analysed and brought back to the June committee meeting.


3.         Resource Implications




            At this stage no financial resources attached to the development of the strategy and resources to cover meetings etc are included within the department’s development budget.


            Human Resources


            Officer time is likely to be dedicated to providing assistance to clubs in order to get the best possible information in order to inform the baseline study.


            Asset and Other Implications


            None at this stage.


4.         Equality and good relations implications


            The development of the strategy will be subject to ongoing equality screening.


5.         Recommendations


            Members are asked to:


(i)   note progress to date; and


(ii)  agree the proposed approach to the development of a boxing strategy for the city as outlined.”


            The Committee adopted the recommendations.


Supporting documents: