Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1        Relevant Background Information


            The purpose of this report is to provide an update to Committee and to seek authority for elements of the event which have not been previously considered by the Parks and Leisure Committee.


            The Parks and Leisure Committee, at its meetings in September and November considered a request from the Joint Unionist Centenary Committee (UCC) for the use of Ormeau Park for an event to mark the centenary of the Balmoral review on Saturday, 19th May, 2012.


            The proposed request and location were also discussed at the meeting of the Council’s Historic Centenaries Working Group on 17th October and at a Special meeting of the same group on Wednesday, 25th October, when representatives of the UCC were in attendance.


            In November the Committee agreed to the use of Ormeau Park for the event, in line with the recommendation of the Historic Centenaries Working Group as follows:-



1.          the event organisers resolving all operational issues to the council’s satisfaction;

2.      an appropriate legal agreement prepared by the Town Solicitor and Assistant Chief Executive is completed;

3.      the event organisers meet all statutory requirements including entertainment licensing; and

4.      the event organisers ensure that all health and safety requirements are met to the council’s satisfaction.’


...and subject to a number of further conditions (the first two of which have been in place for some years in relation to the Bonfire Management Programme):


·             That there are no displays of paramilitary emblems or regalia

·             That no national flags or symbols are burnt or defaced

·             That all the requirements of the Council’s Events Plan are fully complied with.


            The Committee report in November also made reference to the JUCC intentions to have a ‘Cultural Village’ of tented workshops and displays in the park with activities including music, dancing etc. and that the JUCC might want to extend the fairground and cultural village element to the Friday night if possible.  This element was not explicitly referred to in the report’s recommendation and was not considered by Committee at the meeting.  The UCC have now confirmed this to be the case and are asking the Committee to consider this request.


2          Key Issues


            The JUCC has emphasised that this is intended to be an alcohol-free event and they would seek assistance from the police and Parks staff in the management of the event; all stall holders, caterers and traders at the event would be certified in the usual manner. The UCC proposed that parking for essential parade traffic, including some vintage vehicles, would be at the Ozone site and they would organise their own event marshals on site.


            The event management plan is under development and the following groups and organisations are involved:-


·        G-Force – Event Management Plan and

·        Ambutran – Event Risk Assessment and First Aid provision

·        Eventsec – Stewarding and crowd control

·        AVK Catering – Food vendor management


            Internal / external event advisory assistance


·        PSNI

·        North and West Belfast Parades Forum

·        Park and Leisure Department

·        Health and Environmental Services Department

·        Legal Services Department


            As planning for the event develops, details on a number of the proposed elements of the event are being considered in order to make the event flow well, to avoid congestion and to ensure that it is successful and safe.  These details represent some slight change to the original proposal discussed at Committee and it was felt therefore that a further update report would be helpful to clarify the position.  The changes are as follows:-


·      The use of the Ozone site is more extensive than originally discussed – it is proposed that the centre be closed to normal business, but used as a site for activities on the day and also provide restroom facilities


·      It is proposed that the amusements and tented village would be in the Ozone grounds, rather than the Ormeau Park and that the parade would enter the site through the wider access at the Ozone rather than the pedestrian access from the Ravenhill Road end (for safety reasons)


            The UCC has stressed from the outset that this should be an open, non-contentious, welcoming community event in which all elements of the local community could participate positively and have committed to keeping all interested parties, including the police and Parades Commission, informed of ongoing developments.


3          Resource Implications




            There is likely to be some loss of income associated with the closure of the Ozone centre on this date – this is estimated to be approximately £2000 based on income in the previous three years.


            Human Resources


            There are likely to be some additional staffing and planning implications which should be able to be accommodated through our normal event management process.


            Asset and Other Implications


            Depending on scale of event and weather, some repair to Ormeau Park terrain may be required.


4          Equality and Good Relations Considerations


            This request has previously been discussed and approved by the Council’s Historic Centenaries Working Group, which reports to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee, to co-ordinate its work in this area.  The Working Group has agreed that the forthcoming Decade of Centenaries, 2012-2022, provides an opportunity for the Council to contribute to a better understanding of the past and to promote respect for the complexity of our shared history.


            The Centenaries Working Group has already discussed a programme of events for the first period in the Decade, 2012-2014, and has recommended to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee that the Centenary of the Signing of the Covenant should be one of the first major events to be marked, with the commissioning of an exhibition in the City Hall plus a number of individual events.


            All of the proposals currently under consideration within the programme would have positive implications in terms of the promotion of equality and good relations, if undertaken in an inclusive manner.


5          Recommendations


            It is recommended that the Parks and Leisure Committee note the update report and agree that:-


·        The Ozone centre be closed for normal business on the Friday evening and Saturday, but used for associated activities;


·        The Ozone site be used for the tented village and amusements both on Friday 18th and Saturday, 19th May 2012; and


·        The Ozone entrance be used for arrival of parade at the site rather than the pedestrian access on the Ravenhill Road.


            After a lengthy discussion, it was


            Moved by Councillor Kelly,

            Seconded by Councillor Mullan,


      That the Committee agrees to refer the request to the Joint Group of the Party Leaders’ Forum and Historic Centenaries Working Group for further consideration.


            On a vote by show of hands three Members voted for the proposal and eight against and it was accordingly declared lost.


            Accordingly, it was


            Moved by Alderman Rodgers,

            Seconded by Councillor Newton,


      That the Committee agrees to adopt the recommendations contained within the report.


            On a vote by show of hands ten Members voted for the proposal and nine against and it was accordingly declared carried.



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