Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


          The purpose of this report is to present to Members the revised Support for Sport grant scheme for their approval with a view to implementation from May 2012.



          At the Parks and Leisure Committee meeting on 12th January, 2012, Members requested party briefings on the proposed revision of Support for Sport before approving the scheme.


          The Party briefings took place throughout February and March and the table below summarises the final version of the revised Support for Sport Scheme which takes onboard feedback from Members with regard to the hospitality fund, contingency fund and proposed fund for individuals.


2        Key Issues


          A summary of the present scheme and the key proposed revisions are presented in the following table:



Current Support for Sport Scheme

Proposed revised Support for Sport Scheme


Revised Allocation of Funds

Payment process

Small grants - funding is retrospective on submission of final report and receipts

Funding is 50% up front and 50% on submission of final report and receipts

No change


Funding covers coach education, Kick Start/Try-it events, development competitions and equipment.

Categories will remain the same, however the allocation will be prioritised with the highest percentage going towards coach  education and lowest owards medals/

certificates etc

No change

Support provided

Officers work with clubs to assist with applications

Officers will continue to provide this service

No change


Individuals are not supported

15 high level athletes to be supported by £1000 each



Current Support for Sport Scheme

Proposed revised Support for Sport Scheme


Revised Allocation of Funds


Requests only supported if visitors from outside NI travel to Belfast for event.

Level of support to be staggered. Minimum number of visitors funded: 50

No change


Current allocation £31,000

Reduced to £25,000 and targeted at larger sporting events. £6,000 redirected to Individuals


Application process

Applications submitted hard copy or electronically

Application to be developed for online use.

No change

Reward scheme

No incentive for clubs to develop and provide a quality service. 

Provide a grant for clubs achieving ClubMark Quality standard

No change – to be allocated from overall S4S scheme


Currently £14,000

£9,000 redirected to individuals



Associated with the above proposals are a number of revisions to the allocation of the budget.  There is no increase in total budget proposed, simply a re-distribution of the existing budget as follows (key areas of change are in italics);-


Current Support for Sport Scheme


Revised Support for Sport Scheme

Large Grants


Large Grants


Small Grants


Small Grants


Individual Grants


Individual Grants
















The review has mainly impacted on the following aspects of the scheme:-


§            On-line application/evaluation

§            Advanced payment

§            Hospitality

§            Individuals

§            Clubmark


It is proposed that a management plan will be implemented by the Leisure Development Unit to ensure effective implementation of all changes to the scheme.  It is also proposed that further consultation will be undertaken with relevant stakeholders at six months after implementation of the above changes.


 3       Resource Implications




          It is expected that the development of a web-based application/reporting facility will be developed internally by ISB.


          The overall scheme budget for awards will remain the same at £225,000, but there will be a re-allocation of £15,000 from the Hospitality Grant and Contingency budgets to grants for individuals.


          Human Resources


          There will be no additional human resources required at this stage.


          Asset and Other Implications


          None at this stage.


 4       Equality and Good Relations Implications


          There are no implications at this stage.  However, equality screening of the recommended changes will be undertaken, internally, in line with the Council’s existing procedures.


5        Recommendations


          Committee is asked to approve the proposed changes to the Support for Sport scheme for subsequent implementation by 1 May 2012 including:


·        Advance Payment of 50% of total funding

·       An on-line application form being developed

·       Hospitality grant being re-focused and reduced to £25,000

·       An Individual grant of £15,000 being developed  with relocated funds from hospitality (£6,000) and contingency (£9,000)

·       An award system being developed and implemented for accredited ClubMark.”


            After discussion, the Committee approved the above-mentioned changes to the Support for Sport Scheme.