Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1       Relevant Background Information


          At the meeting of the Parks and Leisure Committee in December 2011 Members agreed the principles for a revision of the Boost Leisure Centre membership scheme. 


          At the December meeting the Assistant Director informed the Committee that the Council did not currently provide any Member or staff membership unlike a number of other councils.  It was agreed that Members and staff should be encouraged to participate in healthy active living and to use the Council’s leisure facilities.   It was also noted that this membership would provide an additional income stream for the Council.


2        Key Issues


          Member / Officer tariff


          Officers have benchmarked across more than 10 other Councils in N Ireland, Scotland where a range of reduced rates are in operation.  Based on the information available and the desire to promote an active and healthy lifestyle to staff and Members, it is proposed that the existing concessionary rate of £12.00 be extended to Members and Belfast City Council officers.


          It is proposed that this reduced rate will apply to permanent and fixed term council staff both on a full and part time basis. It is also intended that the offer will apply to full and part time agency employees who have been in their council role for 12 successive weeks.


          Re-validation of the status of staff will be required on a six monthly basis. This will ensure that the integrity of the offer is maintained and that any issues arising can be addressed.


          Tennis and Table Tennis tariff


          The scale of charges for indoor leisure agreed by Council at its March Meeting had indicated that Tennis and Table Tennis were to be charged at £4.00 per 30 minutes for full paying customers. This was an oversight. The rate is intended to be £4 per 60 minutes.


          Ozone Climbing Course Charges


          During the process of reassessing pricing for 2012-13 it was decided to recommend an activity price of £5 per 90 minutes of coached activity in relation to climbing lessons. Following reflection and customer feedback it is proposed to reduce this price to £4 per 90 minutes of coached climbing activity. This amendment will result in an increased income of 20% based upon 2011-12 pricing and will assist the centre in promoting and developing  this popular activity.


          School Swimming, Price Banding


          An amendment was introduced in order to assist schools with budgeting in relation to the cost of children’s lessons. The intention was to create a suite of standard price bands that schools would be aware of in advance of lessons therefore a small increase / decrease in children attending lessons would result in the levy not being altered.  Feedback from schools has indicated that this approach will not suit all users.


          Therefore, while it is proposed that the school swimming banding is retained in order that further awareness sessions can be conducted with appropriate teachers and that developments to this option can be considered. However, it is also proposed that the previous method of charging (2011-12) at a rate of £1.50 per child is re-introduced in order that schools may be afforded the choice of payment methods in line with their service requirements.


          This will be kept under review during the initial six months of this financial year to inform decisions regarding the approach to charging it the 2013/14 financial year.


 3       Resource Implications






          Human Resources




          Asset and Other Implications




 4       Equality and Good Relations Implications


          The revised Boost Membership Scheme will be subject to equality impact screening in line with the Council’s existing procedures.  Stage1 of this has already taken place


5        Recommendations


          It is recommended that Committee approve the proposed revisions to the Boost Scheme as outlined.”


            After discussion, the Committee agreed that:


(i)               the existing concessionary rate of £12 per month in respect of the Boost Membership Scheme be extended to Council Members, permanent and fixed-term Council staff employed on a full and part?time basis and full and part-time agency staff who had been in their roles for 12 successive weeks;


(ii)              the scale of charges for indoor leisure be amended to provide that the rate for tennis and table tennis be £4 per 60 minutes for full paying customers;


(iii)       a charge of £4 per 90 minutes of coached climbing activity be levied in respect of Climbing Courses at the Ozone Centre; and


(iv)       in order that schools be given a choice of payment methods for swimming, a charge of £1.50 per child be re-introduced in addition to the agreed approach to school swimming price banding.


            In addition, the Committee noted that those charges would be kept under review in order to inform future charging scheme.



Supporting documents: