Agenda item


            The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.   Relevant Background Information


      Blue Peter Olympic LIVE Tour


      The Blue Peter Olympic LIVE tour is an exciting opportunity for BBC Children’s TV (CBBC) fans to get up close and personal with one of their favourite programmes. Blue Peter and BBC Learning will produce a live outdoor broadcast event opening up a bespoke Blue Peter set at nine locations near the Olympic torch relay route. Ormeau Park is the proposed Belfast location for one of the Blue Peter events.



      It is proposed that on the morning of the event there will be a Blue Peter live outdoor broadcast with an invited audience. After the programme is broadcast the set will then open up to host up to 5,000 children and their families. Audiences attending will get the opportunity to see presenters and learn more about the programme. They will also get the chance to take part in shows and participate in hands on activities designed to inspire interest in the upcoming Olympics games.


      The event set up will take place on the 2nd of June from approximately 9.30 am – 4.30 pm. Set up will begin on 1st June and take down will take place immediately after the event. It is anticipated that there will be no disruption to the Ozone Recreation Centre during the setup for the event.  This is a free event open to the public. 


      BBC Drama Series


      BBC requested use of Victoria Park in the filming of a new five part thriller ‘The Fall’ set in Belfast. The filming took place on Wednesday 4th April with delegated authority granted by the Director of Parks and Leisure.


2.   Key Issues


·        This provides opportunities to raise the profile of Belfast City Councils Parks and Leisure Department and showcase Ormeau Park and Victoria to a wide audience.


·        The Blue Peter event requires the overnight use of the area around the Ozone to house staging and production equipment.


·        As with all events but particularly because of the overnight element to this event, it is essential that Health and Safety and security issues are addressed through the preparation of an event management plan by the event organiser to the satisfaction of Council Officers and the PSNI.


·        The organisers of the event may require the use of the facilities within the Ozone Recreation Centre during the event which may have cost implications and impact on regular users of the centre.


·        There may be potential need to reinstate grass areas used for the setting up of staging and production equipment.


3.   Resource Implications




      Organisers will cover the following costs:


·        Fees for the use of the sites and Leisure Centre

·        Costs to cover Leisure and Parks staff hours including overtime

·        Additional utility costs

·        Cost of ground reinstatement

·        Potential loss of revenue from other bookings


      Human Resources


      Additional staffing costs may be incurred




      Any damage to the assets during use will be reinstated to the Council’s satisfaction by the organisers.


4.   Equality and good relations implications


      Potential to attract families and children from all backgrounds to participate in a range of activities.


5.   Recommendations


      It is recommended that the committee grant approval for the Blue peter event to take place subject to:


·        An appropriate legal agreement being prepared


·        The event organisers covering all costs incurred by the Council including fees for the use of the site and Leisure Centre.


·        The Event Organisers provide an event management plan , including public liability insurance and health and safety risk assessments to the satisfaction of the council


·        The event organisers meet all statutory requirements.


      Committee is asked to note that delegated authority has been granted by the Director of Parks and Leisure in consultation with the Chair of the Parks and Leisure Committee for the filming of the BBC series ‘The Fall’ at Victoria Park. This was subject to the organisers meeting all operational and statutory requirements and the appropriate legal agreement being put in place.”



            The Committee granted the approval sought and noted that, in accordance with the authority delegated to him, the Director had granted to the British Broadcasting Corporation the use of the Victoria Park.


Supporting documents: