Agenda item


The Committee considered the undernoted report:


“1.       Relevant Background Information


            Members are reminded that at its meeting on 10 May 2012, approval was given to change the Parks Events Small Grants Scheme to a monthly assessment running from February to September with a monthly report to Committee outlining the applications and awards.  The Committee also agreed the criteria which were modified to put more emphasis on community involvement in our parks and open spaces and to recognise alignment to other Council schemes.


            Information on the grant scheme was advertised accordingly and the closing date for entries set at 13 April 2012. 


2.         Key Issues


·      The applications were assessed according to the criteria and full details of the applications received and the recommendations for grant awards are presented in Appendix 2.


·      Successful groups will receive 50% of the grant funding before the event takes place subject to the return of a signed ‘letter of offer’ and the remaining balance will be paid on the successful completion of the event and submission of the correct supporting documentation. 


·      It is proposed that the Director of Parks & Leisure under the scheme of delegation is authorised to approve further funding applications and reports will be brought back as required to inform Members of the decisions taken.


·      In each area, the Parks Outreach Managers will continue to work with communities across the city to ensure they are aware of this funding opportunity and are encouraged to avail of the remaining funds. 


3.         Resource Implications




            £100,000 was allocated in the revenue estimates to cover this scheme. 


            Human Resources


            There are no additional human resource implications.


            Asset and Other Implications


            The running of community events increases use of the parks creating a sense of ownership and contributing to health and well being.


4.         Equality and good relations implications




5.         Recommendations


            It is recommended that the Committee agree:


·         that the groups listed in Appendix 2 are awarded grants accordingly to organise events in parks during 2012


·         that the Director of Parks and Leisure under the scheme of delegation is authorised to approve further funding applications and reports will be brought back to inform Members of the decisions taken.”


Appendix 2:  List of Applications and Proposed Grants 2012


Successful Applications for Parks Events Small Grants Scheme 2012


Ref. No.




Title of Event


of Grant


Proposed Amount of Grant to be Awarded


PESGS 20/2012


Cambrai Youth Community Group


Woodvale Park

12.00 - 12.00



PESGS 21/2012

Headway Belfast


Barnett Demesne

Summer Picnic Day



PESGS 22/2012

Lower Oldpark Community Association


John Hewitt Park

The John Hewitt Park Launch



PESGS 23/2012

Donegall Pass Community Forum


Rev. Robert Bradford Memorial Playground

Mini Olympics and Family Fun Day



PESGS 24/2012

Pitt Park Womens Group


Dr. Pitt Playground

Party in the Park



PESGS 25/2012

The Fostering Network Northern Ireland


Sir Thomas & Lady Dixon Park

 Live Laugh Learn Fun Day



PESGS 26/2012

Ballynafeigh Community Development Association







22- Sep,


Ormeau Park

Neighbourhood Birdwatch 2012




            The Committee adopted the recommendations.

Supporting documents: